Safe but not

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(I couldn't think of a good title for this chapter sorry😬)

When you got to your dads house he showed you your new room. It had a bed, a closet to put your clothes in, a coffee table, a mirror, and a desk with a chair.

The hose was not much different from yours and you didn't mind that.You still had to learn where everything was at.

You had asked your dad if you could go on a walk to get to know your new neighborhood a bit.He said yes of course.

You got a slightly oversized hoodie you stole from Koushi before leaving and put it on. Then you went to get your shoes before waving goodbye to your father and walking out.

The hoodie you were wearing was a light pink color.

The hoodie you were wearing was a light pink color

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(What you are wearing 👆)

You had barely passed one block before you heard footsteps behind you. You began freaking out and took your phone out to text your brother.

(Kou-Chan= koushi)

You- Hey Koushi.

Kou-Chan- Hey, how's the new house?

You- it's alright. But I decided to go on a walk and I think someone is following me...

Kou-Chan- What? Did you turn to see who it was?

You- of course not!

Kou-Chan- okay, try to take a different way back to dads house.

You- okay.

You- Koushi...

Kou-Chan- yeah?

You- I'm scared.

Kou-Chan- it's gonna be okay f/n.Can you try to speed walk?

You- yeah, okay.

Koi-Chan- alright focus on where your going you can text me when you get home okay?

You- okay.

You put your phone back in your pocket and continued walking a bit faster.

"Hey!" Your heart dropped when you heard the stranger talk to you. He sounded a bit familiar though.

You didn't know what to do so you kept walking and pretended not to hear him. You did this until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your hear skipped a beat and you froze in place.

"Hey, can you hear me?" He said as you stood there still frozen.

He put both hands on your shoulders and turned you around.You looked scared very scared.

"Are you okay?" He said as you we're finally able to recognize him. It was the guy with red hair.

"I-I'm fine...". You said noticing his beautiful red eyes.

He smirked noticing you staring at him.

"You shouldn't be walking alone around these parts you know? There's a lot of creeps around here. Your lucky it was me the one following you." He said still holding on to you and smiling at you.

"You were following me?" You smirked now more comfortable knowing it's him.

" yeah I wanted to make sure you were okay. Like I said, lots of creeps around here. He said letting go of you and scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh thank you" you said bowing at him.

"Yeah it's no problem. My mom always says to make sure that if a girl is in trouble to drop everything and help." He said smiling.

"Do you li-" you we're about to ask him something before a car you recognize came speeding down the road and stopped near you and Tendou.

You both turned and watched as the entire Karasuno volleyball team jumped out.

Your brother quickly ran to you and hugged you.

"Are you okay f/n?" He asked.

"I'm fi-"

"Did he hurt you!?" You were cut off again by Nishinoya.

"No I'm fine!" You said trying to pull away from you're brother.

"What did you do to her!? HUH!?" Yelled Hinata and you just rolled your eyes.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked a bit annoyed.

"Were here to save you f/n" said yamaguchi who was standing besides your brother.

"Save me?" You asked forgetting how sacred you were before.

"Yeah sugawara said you were being followed" said Daichi with a concerned look on his face.

You turned to Tendou and he looked surprised.

"Don't worry about it guys it was just Tendou." You said with a slight giggle.

They all turned to Tendou and gave him death stares.

"Why were you following our precious Sugawara Senpai you creep!?" Yelled Hinata with a slightly scary look on him face.

"Haha don't worry about it guys he was actually just trying to help me" you said finally pulling away from your brother and walking to Tendo.

"What?" Asked Kageyama.

"He was trying to warn me about how dangerous it was around here!" You told them as you stood next to Tendou and smiled at him. He smiled back at you but with a worried expression.

You thanked Tendou for his help and began having a conversation with the team. You noticed Tendou looked slightly uncomfortable.

"You can go home you know. These guys will protect me?" You said with a bright smile on your face.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, no problem they can also walk me home." You said reassuringly.

"Alright then I'll go." He said and you bowed at him thanking him again for his help. He wave at you as he turned the corner to leave.

After that you and the guys went to an ice cream shop and got some ice cream before Asahi (the only one with a license.) drove you back home.

Just realized how slow this is going 😬 sorry I'll try to speed things up a bit next chapter 👌

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