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This is really short sorry 😬

Today is the day before he leaves. Satori Tendou was leaving for college. You would be starting your third year at Shiratorizawa in a few months. That wasn't on your mind though. "What if I never see him again? What if he forgets about me? What if I forget about him? What if he decides to stay for longer and doesn't tell me? What if he meets another girl and falls in lo-" You stopped your thoughts. "Why would that matter to me? I'm not even dating him. He doesn't even like me." Welp. So much for stopping them.

You were spending the whole day with him today and tomorrow before he left.

"Will you miss me f/n?" He asked. You were both separately sitting on the swings while eating the ice cream you got a few minutes ago. "Of course!" You said glancing over at him. "How much?" He grinned. "A lot." You smiled.

"I'm gonna marry that girl..." He thought as he watched you eat your ice cream.

"Satori?" You asked and he hummed in response. "Can you promise me something?" You were really scared to lose him. "Sure. I mean, it depends on what you want me to promise." He chuckled. "Promise that you won't forget me?" You looked at him expecting him to laugh. He looked over at you and smiled. "I could never forget someone like you f/n!" He did laugh.

The next day 😭

I helped him pack his things and headed to the bus stop with him and his family. Rin was crying so his mom and dad said they would wait for me somewhere else.

"Well these three years will be pretty boring..." I joked. "Yeah." He responded. I looked up at him and he smiled. Suddenly I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. I hugged him and began crying. "I'm...gonna m-miss you Satori..." I said in between sobs. He hugged me back. "I'm gonna miss you too." He said.

We talked for what seemed like hours but was only three minutes before his bus arrived and he had to go.

He looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen on him. "Bye..." He said as he stood up.

I quickly stood up and grabbed his hands, tears began to flow out of my eyes again. "See ya..." I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and hugged him before letting him leave.


The rest of the day consisted of Kou and Shirabu trying to comfort me. Shirabu wasn't doing a good job though.

"He'll be back f/n!" Kou hugged me, I hugged her back and continued to cry in her shoulder.

What am I gonna do now?


No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now