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You walked the halls of your school with Kou by your side. You walked into your class earlier than usual so you could both talk.

"Soooo. How's it going with Shirabu?" You asked to start a conversation.

"He's fine." She said probably beginning to daydream about him.

"Just like you" Someone said from the door. You both looked over. It was Shirabu.

"Dang it Shirabu! I was talking to her! Now your gonna take her away." You pouted at the setter.

He did exactly that. Now you we're all alone. "Why are you like this" you thought. "Ah! I'll go bother Satori!" You mumbled walking out of your classroom and heading over to the third year section.

You walked into his class and saw him sitting by the window on the third row. He was looking out the window and didn't seem to notice you. Everyone began to stare at you when you walked toward him.

"Satori!" You said catching his attention. "Oh f/n! What are you doing here?" He asked looking puzzled. "I came here to see you silly!" You said pocking his cheek. "Oh! By the way f/n! I got something for you! Close your eyes." He said smiling at you "Ah, okay!" You said closing your eyes. You could hear the shuffling of his bag and his now whispering classmates. "Open!" He said excitedly and you opened your eyes. As soon as you opened your eyes they widened.

"Woah! Satori! Is that the newest copy of Shonen Jump!?" You yelled excitedly taking the copy from his hands. "Yup!" He said grinning widely. "Thanks Sato-Kun!" You said brightly.

The both of you talked until Wakatoshi arrived and told you you should go before you were late. When you got there Shirabu was also leaving. "Goodbye pretty boy!" You said sticking your tongue out at him.

After school you went to watch Tendou's practice. After practice you waited for him outside of the gym when a couple of third years from his class approached you. There were three guys and two girls.

"Are you dating that monster?" One of the girls asked. You were honestly shocked at the question. Not only because she assumed you were dating but the fact she called Satori a monster.

"What did you say?" You said holding back a glare that could kill.

"She asked if you are dating the monster!" One of the guys said.

"I don't know of any monsters." You said smirking and the other girl glared at you.

"We're talking about Tendou." The other guy said shyly. You recognized him. He was a second year in Shirabu's class. Now you were confused.

"No I'm not dating Satori." You stated. "Why?" You asked looking at the second year you recognized.

"Do you like Tendou?" The third guy asked.

"Of course I do! Satori is the best friend I could ever ask for!" You said not really understanding the question.

"No! Do you like-like him is what he meant." One of the girls said giving you a dirty look.

You paused for a second. "Why are you asking me this?" You said looking at the second year.

"Because he likes you!" The first girl said pointing at the second year boy.

"And he's afraid that the MONSTER is gonna steal you away from him!" The other guy said yelling in your face.

Tendou's POV

Me and all my teammates stood at the door listening to the conversation f/n was having with the few third years from my class and the second year from Shirabu's class. We also had the door a bit open so we could see the situation as well.

"And he's afraid that the MONSTER is gonna steal you away from him!" I heard one of my classmates yell. I could also hear f/n slightly gasp. I could see frustration build up in her expression.

"Satori isn't a monster." She said looking at the ground then back up at them.

"You don't know anything about hi-"

"And I bet you do?" One of the girls from my class said cutting f/n off.

"I do actually." She responded glaring at her.

"Yeah,yeah anyway. Why don't you just go out with our friend here and forget about that monster. You can even be our friend." One of the guys said. I could feel myself sink.

"I'd rather die than be around people like you." F/n said. She looked disgusted.

"What did he say to you to make you like him!? We can save you!" The other girl said. I wasn't sure what to expect but it definitely wasn't what happened next.

F/n tackled the girl and began punching her. Two of the guys ran away quickly. "COWARDS" f/n yelled. The second year guy and the other girl backed up watching in horror as f/n beat the absolute crap out of the third year.

Me and my teammates quickly got out of the gym and began trying to stop f/n before she made the girl bleed and create an even bigger problem.

Once we got her to calm down and the people who were bothering her left she hugged me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Satori..." she said still hugging me.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I said chuckling and hugging her back.

"Your such a dork." She giggled and playfully punched my arm.

"We would have joined in if it weren't for Wakatoshi saying that 'violence is never the answer' and made us stop you instead." Reon said laughing nervously and pointing at Wakatoshi.

Your POV 😗✌️

The next day I was sitting in class not paying attention and lost in my thoughts. I was replying the events from the day before.

"He's a MONSTER!" Those words. The ones they kept repeating. They made me feel sick to my stomach.

"He's not a monster." I thought.

"He's one of the nicest guys out there. The type that are hard to find. He's fun and energetic. He's one of the only people who took time to acknowledge my existence. He bought me a copy of Shonen Jump." I smiled at the last thought that crossed my mind.

"His smile could bright up all of Japan. He's the biggest dork out there, but yet he's like a loyal dog. He's an amazing guy. His hair is beautiful and his eyes...there even better. He's adorable. I would never leave him. I would spend the rest of my life with him. I love him." My eyes widened. "Did I really just think that." I began to panic a bit.

"Do I really love him? Maybe I meant it in a friend way." I was so lost in thought I hadn't heard the bell and Kou basically yelling my name.

Then the door opened. "Hey, f/n! Are you okay?" I heard the most familiar voice say. I snapped my head in his direction. "I-I'm fine!" I yelled with a red face. Satori was at the door.

"You don't look fine." He said smiling and patting my head. "What did you bring for lunch?" I said changing the subject. "Why? Did you not bring anything f/n?" He said chuckling a bit.

"Uhhhh...I don't know let me check!" I said grabbing my bag and looking through it. "Oh that's funny...looks like I didn't." I said smiling nervously.

"You can share with me f/n! I brought extra chopsticks." Kou said handing the chopsticks to me. I thanked her and we began eating and talking. Then Shirabu walked in. Thankfully he didn't take Kou away from this time. He just sat down and included himself in our conversation.


It was late night and I had just texted Satori and Kou good night. I laid on my bed looking upward. "Do I really love Satori?" I mumbled. "No. It's too soon for that. Maybe I just have a small crush on him. I'll get over it." I shrugged and later I fell asleep.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now