Too Much Of The Moon For Me

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G!P Camila and G!P Lauren are the best prostitutes known in New York. Ever curious, Camila hires Lauren so she could feel what it's like to get fucked, not knowing who she was. All Camila knew about Lauren was that she is a girl with a penis.


Camila smoothed out her suit jacket and tugged her necktie looser around her collar. Out of her car window towered one of the many five star hotels scattered across New York. It was clear that the woman she hired doesn't skimp out on expenses, and Camila admired that in a person. Though it was possible that since the hotel was a proponent of escorts, the woman Camila hired probably got a twenty percent discount.

In any case, Camila was used to the series of actions that followed. The valet opened her car door and she stepped out. He handed her a card to claim her vehicle after her engagement. Inside, the familiar paisley carpet of muted reds and greys muffled Camila's footsteps. On the front desk was another familiar aspect. "Camila! It's been a while." Ally smiled and leaned over the desk to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Are you looking for a client? I didn't get a message of anyone expecting you."

"No," Camila tapped the wooden surface. "I'm waiting for someone though. In the meantime, give me a room. I'll wait for her there."

Ally hummed softly as she typed something on the computer. "Right. Room 606 is for you to use." She tucked two key cards into an envelope and handed Camila a form she needed to sign for tax purposes and the like. Signing deftly, Camila pocketed the key cards.

"Thanks, Ally. You're the best."

Once in her empty hotel room, Camila sat on the edge of the bed and turned the TV on, just for mindless noise to keep her company. The only reason she was here in the first place was, like many reasons as to why she does things, out of curiosity. Camila stretched out on the bed, her shirt and suit jacket riding up her stomach. Her eyes closed, she thought back to two days ago.

She just finished fucking a regular customer: Dinah Jane. With her long locks spread across the silk pillowcases, her tits heaving as she struggled to catch her breath, Camila couldn't help but smile at the sight. '"You okay?" She asked, taking a towel dampened with warm water to wipe away the cum off the woman's belly.

Dinah nodded and looked at her with half-lidded eyes. She patted the spot beside her, and obediently, Camila slid beneath the blankets to cuddle. A thing she rarely did with other customers, but for Dinah, she made exceptions. After all, they've been friends before Dinah decided to start paying Camila for her sexy services. It was also the first time Camila thought about being an escort to gain a living.

"You know, I was just wondering." Camila's fingertips danced along Dinah's smooth belly, the muscles tensing beneath her touch. "How does it feel to get fucked?"

"Really, really, really good," Dinah answered with no hesitation whatsoever. "Especially if your partner know what they're doing." She grinned and nudged Camila's side, causing her to smile and nudge back. "Why, what got you curious?"

Camila shrugged and rested her cheek against the pillow, eyes closed. "You just looked so content and happy after we've fucked. It's natural that I get curious, right?"

"That's true. I get curious too." Dinah fluffed up a pillow so her eyes were level with Camila's. "After I suck your cock, you get that look in your eyes and it makes me want to receive a blowjob too. But if you really want to know how it feels to get fucked, why don't you ask someone?"

"Dinah! I'm not gonna fuck a guy!" Dinah giggled.

"I didn't say you should, silly." The taller girl started to draw random squiggles across the smoothness of Camila's skin. Lower, until her hand was wrapped around the thick base of her cock. "You're a girl with a penis, but what makes you think you're the only one?"

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