Say Hello To My Little Friend | Friend Series Part One

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Lauren groaned at the discomfort at the juncture of her thighs as she leaned over the countertop she was tightly grasping, squirming at the slightly painful sensation. She pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and glanced at the date. Fuck. She hadn't been watching the calendar closely enough, which was unlike her, considering she had been dealing with this...issue since the summer she had turned thirteen. If she had been her usual responsible self, she certainly would have avoided the party celebrating the glee club's victory at regionals and she could be writhing in pain in her bedroom instead of in Camila Cabello's upstairs bathroom.

She thought back to when it had first happened. It was a warm Saturday evening. She had just returned home to an empty house after an afternoon of swimming at Brittany's. She had just stepped out of the shower when she felt a ripping pain in her lower abdomen and a stinging sensation in her privates. She was baffled considering she'd just had her first period a week prior. She may not have been an expert at all the workings of the female body, but she knew that her period was only supposed to come once a month. And when she unwrapped her towel to investigate the unexplainable pain, she saw something she knew definitely was NOT supposed to be there.

Lauren sighed softly in relief as she was broken from her reverie by a lull in the pain. There was now only a slight throbbing in her pelvic area and her bladder felt like it might explode. She still didn't know the reason why she always had to pee after the... change. She unzipped her zipper and pulled her pants and her panties down to her knees, cringing at what she saw. The pale member stood erect between her thighs, mocking her.

She sighed once more and moved to the toilet to relieve herself. When she was finished, she looked down at the appendage that was still stiff. The dark haired girl growled in frustration at the fact that she had chosen to wear skinny jeans that day and at the tension in her belly that made her almost feel bad for teasing her guy friends for being horny all the time. She was about to try to stuff her unwanted addition in to her panties and make a quick escape back to her own home when the door suddenly burst open and a very shocked Camila Cabello stood speechless before her. Lauren now knew why she had the feeling that she had forgotten something for the last fifteen minutes.

She scrambled to find anything to cover up with. She settled for the hand towel that had been on the counter.

"R-Camila, this isn't what it looks like."

"You- you have a p-mph!" The rest of her sentence was muffled by Lauren's hand that wasn't covering her growth. She angrily jerked the wide eyed brunette into the small room and slammed the door behind her.

"Do you want the whole fucking house to hear you! Does it look like I want the whole damn glee club to know about this?" Hazel eyes flashed angrily as the dark haired girl struggled into impossibly tight jeans. "God, sometimes I hate girl pants."

"But, you wore a bikini to Dinah's pool party. How-" The diva's face scrunched into a confused frown. Lauren finally was able to zip the jeans up. She tried to ignore how uncomfortably tight they were even though she knew she probably had a very noticeable tent between her legs.

"I don't have it all the time." She sighed. "I can't believe I am talking to you about this. I haven't told anyone."

"No one?"

"God, Cabello, do you think I want anyone to know that I grow a fucking penis every full moon! How do you think people would react? I would lose everything; my popularity, my position as head cheerleader, my friends. Not to mention, my parents would kick me out."

Camila stared wide eyed at the dark haired girl cheerleader, trying not to let her gaze drop to the denim covered bulge. "Lauren, perhaps you're merely overreacting. Your... ailment... could potentially boost your popularity. Look at Lady Gaga. She's as popular as ever despite her questionable gender. And surely your own parents wouldn't put you out on the streets."

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