Learning Her Lesson | Part One

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Summary: Lauren and Lucy are cops pulling Camila over for speeding and driving under the influence. Camila will do anything to get away with it.

Officers Jauregui and Vives were almost at the end of their shift, just an hour or so left as they patrolled some isolated streets near the woods in their patrol car. Both were surprised to spot a vehicle ahead of them on the otherwise deserted road and as they drew closer they saw that it was going too fast and swerving all over the road. They exchanged looks and Lauren Jauregui pushed down on the accelerator as Lucy Vives flicked the switch and the sirens and lights came on, blaring and flashing.

They watched carefully as the driver ahead slowed and pulled over, albeit with a few swerves and wobbles. They both raised their eyebrows – whoever this was, they were really out of it. They pulled up behind the car and both got out, approaching cautiously. They walked up to the driver's side window and peered in, a little surprised to see a petite young woman with long brown hair peering back at them. She was swaying slightly and her pupils were almost fully dilated. She was drunk and on drugs, probably ecstasy or cocaine considering her enlarged pupils.

Lauren rapped on the window and said: "Miss can you open this door and step out of the car please?"

The two officers stepped back as the woman (who looked to be in her early twenties) shakily open the door and stumbled to her feet with some difficulty.

"What-what's the problem officers?" She asked a little groggily, trying hard to focus on the women in front of her.

"Well, for a start, you were speeding AND you seem to be drunk and under the influence of drugs too. I'll need you to give me some identification Miss", Lauren said with a stern tone and an impassive face.

Camila's eyes widened with fright and she fumbled with her purse and pulled out her wallet. Her shaking fingers weren't able to grasp her driver's license so Lucy took her purse and got the license out. She looked at the name and photo, checking the girl's face. As she did so, she couldn't help noticing how hot the girl was. Long, soft brown hair and plump, red lips. Lucy's cock twitched involuntarily as she imagined those lips wrapped around her dick; sucking hard. She quickly shook her head, trying to focus.

"Camila? Camila Cabello?" The girl nodded mutely.

However Lucy wasn't the only one distracted. Lauren was staring at the girl's long legs (who had legs that long when they were so short?) and the cleavage that was threatening to spill out of her revealing red dress.

As Lucy started walking back to the car to run her details Camila panicked:

"No please, I've never been in trouble before, it was just an awful mistake, please!" She begged desperately. Lucy, unable to control her dirty thoughts, imagined Camila begging in a different scenario...

Camila noticed a slight swelling in Lucy's crotch area and she suddenly got an idea that both gave her hope and made her incredibly wet.

"Maybe we can work something out – I know I've been bad and need to learn my lesson but... maybe you could punish me out here instead..."

Both Lucy and Lauren's cocks definitely liked her idea as they hardened considerably. Camila stepped closer and, feeling bold because of the alcohol and ecstasy in her system, softly cupped both the officers' bulging crotches. Lucy jerked against her hand and Lauren grunted. Camila felt a rush of heat through her body, she was convincing the officers, she was sure of it, just another little push would do it.

"Ooooh I can feel that you have what's needed to really punish me. Please, I'll be a good girl and make you feel real good, I promise."

She looked up at them with innocent eyes and rubbed them.

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