You've Got a Friend in Me | Friend Series Part Two

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The month following their bathroom tryst at Camila's house was awkward, to say the least. It was spent with Lauren pretending to be happy with Brad, though she still wouldn't let him touch her, and Camila being her usual glee club diva self and pretending not to stare at Lauren's ass in her short Cheerio's skirt any time they were in the same vicinity. Of course, these developments did not go unnoticed by the rest of the club, not to say that the others noticed that Camila was staring at Lauren's ass in particular or that Lauren was unhappy with her relationship, but that both girls were acting very strange indeed. The girls themselves, however, were not oblivious to the heated glances they stole when they thought the other was not looking, nor could they deny the fact that they were forever bound together by the knowledge that they were the other's firsts, that and the fact that Camila knew the deepest, darkest secret of the most popular girl in school.

Lauren woke up in a foul mood on a Friday morning. Her least favorite appendage (barring when a certain brunette was impaled upon it) had made its ugly appearance the previous evening. She dreaded the days she had to attend school with the thing hidden away in her spankies, though the cheerleading uniform did little to conceal its presence. She relied on extra tight bikini briefs and thoughts of dead puppies to keep her peers oblivious to her problem.

She strode into the school, head bitch in charge attitude in full force and with a resolve of the strongest steel. That is, until her eyes met Camila Cabello's. Suddenly her smirk faltered as flashbacks of their first sexual encounter bombarded her mind and most of the blood in her body rushed to her face and groin. Ignoring the brunette's worried frown, she quickly repositioned her books and pushed through the throng of students to the closest bathroom.

When she was safely seated at her desk in first period, she buried her face in her arms in embarrassment. She had never gotten a hard-on in school. Ever. Mostly because Brad was usually trailing her and one look at him quelled any feelings of arousal she might have felt. She had a foreboding feeling that the day was going to be hell, because not only was Camila in two of her classes and her lunch, but they also had Glee practice at the end of the day.

She skipped lunch to shower after Cheerios practice. After all, if she had showered with the girls, as per normal, how would they not have noticed the unusual addition to her anatomy? Plus, the only reason she had even bothered making it to lunch in the past month was to stare at a certain brunette's legs. She attempted with no avail to ignore Camila's concerned stares for the duration of physics. She almost groaned in frustration when the bell rang and she stood up finding that her spankies were tighter than ever and that her underwear was damp and sticky against her.

By glee, she was a mess of nerves and hormones. She almost feigned ill when she remembered that Mr. Schue had given them an assignment to find a chart topping pop song of the 21st century that was due. Camila would no doubt demand to perform first and Lauren was not sure that she could handle that, not when she was already so worked up.

When the opening notes from Britney Spears's "Toxic" were played by the band, she seriously considered leaving the room. She knew it would not end well at all. She found herself wishing that they had never hooked up in the first place because if she didn't know how Camila felt against her or what her face looked like when she came or the sounds she made... The dark haired girl felt herself throb. She quickly crossed her legs and tried not to pull a Brad as she watched the object of the majority of her most recent dirty dreams prance around the room, stopping occasionally to gyrate seductively, while crooning the Britney song at the top of her lungs.

When the last note was sung and Camila stood panting before the rest of the club with a smug smile gracing her features, Lauren squirmed in her chair, which resulted in a slight lessening of the pressure between her legs and a definite increase of the tightness in her crotch.

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