Three Digit Ride | Part Two

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Telling Austin - or her parents - in person was the last thing on Camila's mind when she slowly made her way home, all too aware of the delicious feeling of Lauren's thick cum slowly trickling into her panties from her abused ass and cunt. The ache of their joining made a deep burn settle through her body with each step up the stairs of her home following a relatively quiet dinner with her parents, but she couldn't help the satisfied smile that graced her face with each step at the memory of the cause. What she'd discovered in the sleeper of the red Peterbilt - what she'd experienced there - had been better than she could have hoped for in her wildest dreams.

She'd never realized how much she'd craved being possessed as completely as she'd been by Lauren. Austin was sweet and he certainly tried to satisfy her when they were together, but despite the orgasms he worked so hard to give her, she had always been left with a feeling of something missing. Until she'd been pressed into Lauren's bed, the woman's full breasts pressing into her legs, her massive member - far larger than Austin's modest five inches - stretching her ass until she felt like she'd be torn asunder as she thrust into her so fast and hard she'd thought she might explode from sensation alone, she hadn't been able to put her finger on just why Austin's gentle thoughtfulness hadn't been able to fully sate her.

She cared about him, there was never any doubt that he'd always hold a special place in her heart. If she'd never met Lauren Jauregui and the intensity of her almost thoughtless, uncaring passion, she could easily have imagined herself marrying Austin and bearing his children as they made their life together. It made sitting down at the desk in her bedroom to write her farewell letters to him and her parents all the more poignant in the silence of the big house to her passion-craving heart.

She was almost surprised at how few tears slipped down her cheeks as she penned the simple letters of goodbye. The letter to her parents was almost more painful than the one she would write to Austin. They'd always done so much to ensure she was safe and successful that simply... abandoning them felt almost like betrayal, but she knew that if she didn't take this opportunity - if she didn't chase after it with all her heart - she'd never leave Miami. She'd marry Austin, settle down with two point five children, perhaps obtain a career selling real estate or being teaching at the local high school - as the music or drama teacher obviously - or community center, and never achieve her dreams of traveling or being a star. After meeting Lauren, she couldn't do that any longer.

She couldn't set aside her dissatisfaction. Couldn't submit herself to being less than fully sated with life. Couldn't accept less as enough. She needed more. She craved more with a soul deep want that made her body throb with need.

She licked her lips as she wrote about how she was catching the Greyhound bus that would leave just before they woke up in the morning, ensuring they wouldn't be able to catch her phantom self before it began its journey, thinking about what Lauren could do to her once they'd left in that big red truck. Her clit throbbed between her pressed together thighs as she wrote about going to New York to achieve her dreams. Pressing her lips together tightly, she could still faintly taste Lauren's cock from when it'd stretched her jaws open as she'd taken it all the way down her throat even as she wrote about needing to chase after her dreams and no longer being able to satisfy herself with community center plays and high school solos.

She begged them not to follow her, to trust in her ability to find her own path as they'd taught her. She promised to contact them in a few months to assure them she was safe and healthy, to come home if she couldn't find success. She didn't tell them about Lauren or the way she made her so intensely satisfied sexually that her body ached for more after only a few hours of absence from the beautiful woman. She hadn't even realized how much she'd craved the unusual amalgam of man and woman embodied by the trucker as a sexual partner, but she couldn't stop thinking about those perfect breasts or the curve of her hips combined with that thick, amazing member that hung between her thighs or crested proudly over her carefully groomed testicles when aroused.

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