Fake Fouls

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Camila and Lauren are rivals in basketball but they can't deny the sexual tension between them. In the locker room after the game, they both finally get their frustrations out on each other. g!p Camila please"

"I don't fucking know what's her problem, Mani," Lauren said in anger as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, green eyes piercing on a particular player on the other side of the court.

It was another game of Lauren's school against the team she hated the most because her rival is there. Being the team captain as Lauren is for her own team, Camila Cabello irritates the hell out of the green-eyed girl because of how dirty the brunette plays. It was the final game and if Camila thought that Lauren wouldn't notice the way she would fake fouls on purpose to earn a free throw, she was wrong. With the times she played with this aggravating girl, Lauren knew her moves and her secrets. She knew that Camila would even trip players in hopes to injure them. Lauren knew all of that.

But what bothers her the most, is that Camila doesn't do it to every player in Lauren's team. She only does it to Lauren, and the other girl have started to take it personally that's why she couldn't keep her mouth shut once a timeout was called.

"I know that she's trying to take me down," Lauren said, starting to stand up from the ground as her friends look worriedly at her. "We only have 1 minute left and it's her strategy to fake fouls so they could score without effort. But what I don't get is she's only doing it to me! Why can't she do it to Chelsea or Vero instead?"

"It's because you're the best player in our school, Lauren," Normani said, grinning at her friend. "But you know what? Just try to avoid he or something. Don't come near her until the time ends. You're having the upper hand anyway."

"I've been fucking doing that since the game started but she just won't stop," Lauren muttered, wiping her sweaty nape with her towel. "We're only on 77-76. I'm pretty sure she'll do something about it."

"Then you'll have to do something about it, too," Ally, Lauren's another friend, chimed in. "You're both team captains and if she has something in mind to make their school win, you should have, too. You need to act on it and not let her win this. Lauren, it's a do-or-die for Christ's sake!"

Before she could even respond, the buzzer rang again as it indicated the end of timeout. Lauren threw her towel on the empty seat with her perfectly thick brows furrowed in distress. Camila's taking it easy, as if she knew what would happen to this game. Even if she wasn't on the home court, she had this strong confidence that Lauren always find intimidating. But she shouldn't let Camila take over her game.

It was Camila's team's ball, and their center, Dinah, was already holding the ball in her hand as she looked for free players she could pass it on. However, with the small amount of time remaining, Lauren pushed her team's defense and they're now man-on-man strategy.

Being the same small forward of the team, Lauren was standing in front of Camila with her arms stretched out as her back was facing her to prevent Dinah from passing it to the brunette. Camila on the other hand was only smirking behind Lauren, and the green-eyed girl swore she could hear the action by her ear. Even with the timeout given, the two girls were catching their breath and Lauren shivered when she felt Camila's hot breath hit her nape. The brunette noticed this, only causing her smirk to grow wider as she looked down at the goosebumps by Lauren's dragonfly tattooo.

"Scared that you'll lose, princess?" Camila teased, slightly pressing her front to Lauren as she transfered her gaze to Dinah.

"Shut the fuck up, Cabello," Lauren seethed, sprinting to the other side of the court when Dinah passed the ball to her teammate.

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