It's a Family Affair | Part Three

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Somehow, Lauren had managed to avoid being alone with her little sister for an entire week; early morning practices, classes all day, Glee in the afternoon, dinner with their dads, studying and homework in the dining room, and then sleep. She knew Camila would stay out of her bedroom now that she'd been caught, but still, a surreptitious hook at the top of the door helped ensure no one would intrude on Lauren's slumber uninvited again. The brunette hadn't intended to avoid things for so long, but she really didn't know what to do with the situation.

My baby sister's been... molesting me in my sleep. How the fuck am I supposed to make sense of that?

Sure, Lauren had wanted her little sister – right or wrong – since they were barely pubescent, but she'd never acted on it. And Camila – Camila just took what she wanted, and didn't even give Lauren a chance to say no... or yes. If Camila had only ever asked she would've given the girl anything she wanted. Was she really any better though? She'd betrayed her fathers' trust, invited her sister into her bed, pounded her raw, coerced her into anal sex... god, how am I supposed to live with what I've done, let alone what she's done. There was no denying they'd both wanted it though... and was it really wrong? Did it count as incest when they weren't even biologically related? Granted, they'd been raised as siblings, but only for just over half their lives, and Lauren remembered her own parents.

The week had passed full of mournful brown eyes and hesitant greetings; Lauren felt bad for leaving her sister hanging, but she was no closer to a resolution of her feelings than she had been the night she'd woken up to her baby sister riding her cock. The inevitable confrontation loomed; it was Friday and there was no way she'd be able to avoid the younger girl all weekend. Maybe... maybe she'd go to Puck's party. He'd been bugging her to come for the longest time, and she knew what he wanted (and what he'd never get), so she'd avoided the situation, but maybe she could buy another night before she'd have to deal with her sister.

Camila thought she might be going slowly insane. Her sister hadn't talked to her since the night she'd fucked her into the mattress, and while her body was too sore to notice the first couple days, she hadn't gone this long without sex for months and her libido was really starting to protest. Not to mention the fact that she simply missed the older girl. She was used to sharing lunch, sitting together at Glee, hanging out after school just watching movies or playing music or... anything, really – Lauren was her best friend first, and her sister second, and god, had she ruined everything after all? The only saving grace was the brunette apparently hadn't told their dads, so at least she wasn't going to be sent away for being some sort of depraved sexual predator.

She wanted it though, once she woke up – I know she did.

She was tired of expressionless hazel eyes avoiding her and monotone, monosyllabic responses to her greetings. She'd resolved she wasn't going to let another day pass without confronting her sister. Even if the girl hated her, it would be better to get it out in the open than continue not knowing. Lauren could hide out at Noah's party tonight, but tomorrow – Saturday was date night and her dads were likely to head out early for shopping and errands, and they were going to have this conversation, whether they liked it or not.

Lauren knew there was a reason – besides Puck's pathetic advances – that she'd always avoided these parties, and tonight was reminding her why. A bunch of drunken teenagers acting like idiots, music too loud, house too smoky from cigarettes, backyard from... other substances, and cheap booze in even cheaper cups. Why did I think this was a good idea again?

As awful as it was, though, it was preferable to dealing with Camila, and, well, maybe a drink or two would make the night out more tolerable. After a couple of shots and a magically-always-full cup of crappy beer that she swore she should've finished at least twice, Lauren was starting to see the appeal of the party scene. The situation at home seemed distant and foggy, and mournful dark eyes dissolved in even darker Jägermeister. Why didn't I ever do this before?

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