Three Digit Ride | Part Four

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Lauren finished cleaning up first, leaving Camila to finish showering in the last few minutes of their allotted time in the shower. She towelled off roughly, her mind on what had just happened in the shower. It wasn't that rough sex bothered her - that was hardly the case - but using it to teach a lesson like the one she'd just given Camila surprisingly did. It made her feel dirty in a way that soap and water couldn't touch to actually hurt someone with sex. Even if Camila had been being an idiot.

She sighed, pulling her clothes on with sharp jerks. "Get dressed," she said as the water cut off behind her and Camila stepped out of the enclosure. "I need to go turn the shower key in. I'll meet you in the diner."

Her mind was still a whirl of chaotic thoughts as she left the shower room. She was angry with Camila for pushing her so far, but she was far madder at herself for responding the way she had to Camila's provocation. She knew she could have seriously hurt her by taking her the way she had without any lube, that she'd undoubtedly caused the girl far more pain than she'd really deserved for what she'd been doing. She hadn't wanted to believe that sort of person was in her, the kind who could all but rape another person like that, but she couldn't deny what had happened as much as she hated it.

"That's it," she growled to herself, slapping the key down on the counter as she spotted Camila coming out of the hall to the showers. "Time to fucking change this shit."

She stomped into the diner and threw herself into a booth in the back with an irritated scowl. She'd been looking forward to having Camila around to satisfy her needs, but it wasn't fucking worth it if the girl was going to be a damn moron. She had to understand how damn dangerous her decisions were and she definitely had to start understanding without any more lessons like the one in the shower because Lauren was done feeling like shit just to teach the girl basic facts of life.

She stared out the window beside the booth with a peeved glower, mentally trying to tally up how much it would cost to pack the kid up on a bus back to the middle of nowhere town she'd come from. No way in hell could a naive little girl survive someplace like New York. That city would eat her alive and even Lauren wasn't callous enough to send someone off to get their life destroyed like that city would do to her.

She waved the waitress over as she spotted Camila entering the diner out of the corner of her eye and heading for the booth. "I'll have a double cheeseburger, medium rare and California style," she said, watching Camila slide into the booth looking both subdued and confused. "And a coffee, black."

"Do you have garden salads?" Camila asked, barely glancing at the menu.

"Sure do," the waitress said, scribbling Lauren's order on her pad. "You want that with ham or turkey? We got ranch, French, Italian, and Caesar dressings too. Regular or low cal."

"No meat please. I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat," Camila said, smiling up at her and trying to ignore Lauren's snort of disbelief from across the table. "And can I have Italian dressing on the side please?"

"I think we can handle that," she said, jotting it down. "Anything to drink?"

"Just tea, please. Unsweet if you have it." Giving a nod of confirmation, the waitress headed off, leaving Camila to stare at Lauren who'd gone back to glaring out the window. "Alright," she finally said with an aggravated sigh. "Now what did I do wrong?"

Lauren growled low in her throat before turning her glare on the teen. "You just don't get it, do you? Don't you have any idea what kind of people you can find working my job? Yeah, a lot of truckers are good people, but there's a lot who sure as hell ain't too. You've been trying to fuck your way to New York without even knowing what the hell you're getting yourself into!"

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