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Tessa growls at my words and her body is covered in flames but not hurting her . Frost creeps up along my fingers and face as the entirety of my eyes turn blue as her are red. 

"Long time no see sis" I say as we circle eachother. "Did you miss me ?"

"Only the parts when I kick your ass !" she shouts running at me . "Now give me back the files"

I put a wall of ice between us . "Um how about , No" . This seem's to piss her off more because she punched through the wall making it melt a bit . I grab her hand and twist her wrist . We both scream out in pain at the contact . I harden the ice underneather her wrist and I slam it as hard as I can against it , hearing a crack and her screech in pain. She retracts her hand and put both of them against the wall melting it and I just keep rebuilding it but the force is making me  slide back a bit . 

I lose my balance and fall letting her melt the wall . I regained my balance and before I could fight back she grabs my throat making her flames hotter than before . It's the worst pain I've ever felt so I let out an blood curling scream . I copy her action's and use all the coldness I could muster against her . She copies my scream and let's go . We both fall to the ground tear coming from the corner of our eyes because of the pain but we dont cry. I sit up using what strength I had left and started to freeze her in an ice prison . Before I finish she sets the files on fire . "No !" I yell as I watch them turn to ash .

I was about to collapse but I felt someone wrap their strong arms around me before I black out.

Buckys P.O.V

"All done here Cap" I hear Natasha say through the ear piece. "Good meet us back at the jet" Steve replied as he finished taking down an agent. 

A few seconds after Steve and I get to the jet Natasha comes bolting out without Audrey . "Where's Audrey ?" I ask concerned . "Tess" she replies out of breath and worried "She said she'll be right behind me". As Nat finished her sentence we hear an blood curling scream . "Audrey" I say and move to go get her but Steve grabs my arm . "Buck she said that she could handle her just trust that she'll come". I shaked Steve's arm off of me and running in ignoring their calls. I didnt know which way to go until I heard a "No!" being shouted from what sounded like Audrey. 

I run down the corridor and make a left to see Audrey sitting againist the wall freezing a ice cage over who I assume to be Tess . When she finished she collapsed but I caught her before the blacked out . I picked her up bridal style and ran down the way I came to the jet . 

They follow me into the jet and take off as the base below us bursts into flames . I lay her down on Bruce's medical table and he gets too work . 

"She'll be ok she has multipule first degree burns and used up her energy . Her wounds will heal quickly but it may take a day or two for her to wake up" the doctor says

I sigh in relief but also feel sad that I wont get to hear her voice or look at her eye's for a while. "Audrey gave me this file . She said it was important and I can tell why" I hear Nat say . I turn around and sit next to her with Steve on her other side looking at the file . There are pictures of four children at the top of the page. A boy with black curly hair and three girls. One has brown hair , one has red hair  and one has blonde hair. I'm guessing the blonde is Audrey. She's smiling widely showing her teeth but a few are missing. I'm guessing she was around 6 or 7 when this photo was taken. The picture is adorable "Its called 'The Four Horsemen' its information on her and her siblings . It a project they were apart of . And from the looks of it , this is really bad news" Nat finishes looking over at Audreys sleeping form. "I guess we'll just have to wait and find out" Steve say looking over at her aswell.

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now