Tony's party

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"Hey Natasha" I say grabbing her attention. "Do you think you could help me try to cover up my burn marks" I ask touching the one's on my neck. She walks over and inspect's it figuring out how to cover it up. "Yea nothing foundation and conceler cant fix" she say's letting go of me and smiling. "Oh I call doing Audrey's hair !" Wanda yells from the other side of Nat's room , where we were currently getting ready for Tony's party in. Nat groans "Fine but I call make up"

"You guys are gonna do my hair and make up ?" I asked kinda suprised because I've done make up before it was just for my suit look though. "Yes and its going to be so much fun" The woman speaks booping my nose between words. "Ok " I agree .   

"This gonna be so much fun !" Wanda exclaims as she skips over with her curling iron. Both girls already had their hair and make up done so all they had left to do was get dressed. But Tony's party wasn't for another hour and a half so they decided dolling me up would be fun and help kill the time.

"Holy Shit !" I say looking at the finishing touches the girls gave me. It looked awesome . Nat did natural eyeliner with light pink eyeshadow and mascara that made my lashes darker and longer making them more visable. She added sparkley pink lip gloss and blush. She did a good job of covering up my burns and it looked like nothing ever happened.  Wanda curled my hair letting the blonde locks fall behind me in a braided half up and half down look with some pretty dimond clips.

"Ya like ?" Nat says wiggling her eyebrows already knowing the answer. "Hell yea !" I say jumping up to give them both hugs . "Thanks guys" . 

"Your welcome" they replied with a smile.

"We should probably get dressed and go or Tony's gonna kill us for being late". Wanda tells us . I laugh as I zip up my dress and slip on my heels. I double checked my apperance fixing my earing's and then following the girls out the door.

Once we reach the party I stop and take it all in. Everyone was dressed nicely and all the Avenger's were there . Even Loki along with a bunch of other people I dont know. I look around for Bucky and see him standing in the corner talking with Steve and Sam. I squeeze past people to make my way to him but Tony grabs my arm pulling me with him. "Tony what are you doing" I ask .  "I'm showing off our prettiest new Avenger" he tells me as we reach a bunch of people. 

"Audrey this is Rodes , Scott , and Peter" he says introducing me. "Hi" I say akwardly waving at them. Rodes give a proper hello but Scott and Peter start freaking out. "Oh my God your that new Ice girl !" Scott fan girled 

"Like Elsa!" Peter added

"Um yea thats me . Who's Elsa ? Tony keeps calling me that" I tell them . Peter gasps and his jaw parctically falls to the floor. Rodes reaches over and closes his mouth. "You dont know who Elsa is ?!" the boy excliams. "No" I tell him.

"You need to see this" he says and pulls me away from the others and pull's out his phone. He pull's up clip's of 'Elsa' from the movie 'Frozen'. I watch the video's of her in a beautiful blue dress she made herself with her ice powers and that snow man she made come to life. Its very intresting. "Audrey we have to see if you can make a living Snow Man" Peter says excitedly anxious. He practically shaking with anticipation.

 "Are you staying after the party ?" I ask him. "I mean I'm technically an Avenger" he says standing up straighter and fixing his tie , proud of himself. "Well then . We'll play around as Elsa and Anna after the party" I say wiggling my eyebrows at him. "Yes ! I'm gonna go tell Scott !" he says running off. I giggle at his childishness.

"Well look at you" Bucky says from behind me. I smile brightly at him. "You look gorgeous Doll" he complimented. "Thanks" I say and look down blushing "Not to bad yourself". He wore a Navy Blue suit with a white button up shirt and black tie.

"So what do you think of the party ?" he asks walking with me to sit on the couch

"Well , I've made a new friend with a 16 year old boy" I say shrugging and he laughs . oh man his smile and laugh        "What about you Soldier" I say bumping my shoulder with his. His eye's light up and his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink . awe

"It's ok I guess . Nobodys dancing" he said the last part kinda sad.

"Well then, why don't we dance then" I say standing up and holding out my hand "May I have this dance Sargent" a smile crawl's it's way onto his face and takes my hand immediately spin's me into a dip. I giggle as he pulls me back up and our faces are inches apart. I feel myself blush but all I can do is stare into his beatiful ocean blue eyes. We slowly lean in , glancing at eachother's lip's and then back into our eyes. Sadly our moment is ruined by Tony

"Thank you all for coming " he says standing on the bar next to the DJ with a microphone in his hand and walking along to counter top. "Tonight's party is in honor of our newest Avenger the little Snow Queen over there." he says pointing to me. "Come on up Frosty , come on" he motions for me to got to him. I look back at Bucky before going to him. He hold out his hand to help me stand on the marble surface next to him. "This ladies and gentlemen is Frostbite" he says directing the attention to me with his hands. "Come on Cold Stone show us what you got" he says nudging me. whats a Cold Stone

I sigh and roll my eye's. I move my hand infront of me and twirl my fingers making a large snowflake appear in the palm of my hand and tiny ones fall from the ceiling.  People 'ooo' and 'ahh' at the magic and some stick out their tounges to catch the individual snow.  I retract my hand and smooth out my dress as the last of the snow fall to the ground. 

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now