New Dew

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I woke up with my head on something warm and a heavy thing around my waist. I look up and see that its Bucky. I must've fallen asleep and him too. I layed my head back down snuggling closer to him just taking in his scent. It was a musky cinimon with a bit of pine and God was it perfect . I could stay here for forever

I felt him move a bit and I pretended to be asleep and gripped his shirt lightly hoping he wouldn't leave . Against my wishes he slipped out from underneath me but making sure I didn't wake up. I felt him move hair out of my face and run his thumb  across my cheek and down my jaw line before sighing and leaving. I heard the elevator doors open and close causing me to sit up and stretch.

I made my way to my room and took a shower. The hot water burned my skin so I turned the tempature to luke warm. It was warm but not warm enough to burn me and it felt absolutely amazing. After doing what needed to be done I headed to the wardrobe to see that I had nothing to wear , just some jeans and a t-shirt Natasha let me borrow. Ive been here for about 3 months and I still dont have proper clothing. Just stuff I borrowed from my friends. I dried out my hair and put the clothes on.

I left my room and knocked on Nat's door "Nat ?" I asked and got no response . So I turned to Wanda's  room and got the same results .

"Um , F.R.I.D.A.Y. where are Nat and Wanda ?" I asked the A.I.

" Miss Romanoff and Miss Maximoff are on the common floor for breakfast" It replied and this time I didn't jump . I smirked a bit proud of myself for doing so.  I stepped into the elevator and asked for the common floor

I was welcomed to the smell of breakfast that Steve was cooking . "Oh my God that smells amazing " I compliment him . He turns around and smiles at me "Want some ?" he asked . "Yes please" I say and he hands me a plate . I sit down at the table across from Nat and Wanda . "Hey guys" I say to my friends smiling . They replied with a hey and smile.

"So I was wondering if we could maybe go shopping today ? You know cuz I have like no clothes." I ask them . A huge smile crosses their faces . "Hell yea !" Natasha exclaimed . I laughed at her . "Natsha loves shopping no matter the occasion" Wanda explained . "We'll go after breakfast" the red head exclaimed scarfing down her food. Wanda an I looked at eachother and continued to eat a bit faster but not as fast as Natasha did. 

* le time skip *

"Come on Audrey ! This store is amazing !" Natasha said dragging me into a store called 'H&M' . I had to admit , there are a lot of cute clothes . We split up to look at stuff and I found some cute jeans and shirts to try on . I was walking still looking when Natsha and Wanda came running at me handing me an entire pile of clothing . "You have to try these on" The red head exclaimed dragging me to the dressing room.

I liked most of the clothes they picked out for me. They mostly consisted of jeans , shirts , a few crop tops , jackets and hoodies.   I stepped out of the dressing room back in the clothes I came in and carrying the ones I want . We took them to the register and as each item she scaned the numbers kept going up. "Um Natasha how are we gonna pay for that ? I can put some back". She waves me off and pulls out a card . "I snatched Tony's black card earlier . It's not like our shopping trip is gonna drain his bank account" she said with a mischievious smirk. 

"So whats next ?" Wanda asked carrying a bag of her own while I had three . 

For the next two hours we went from store to store and bought mini soft pretzels as a snack . By the time we were done I was carrying ten of my own bags . I had more clothes than what I know  to do with .

 "Hey guy's do you mind if we stop so I can get a hair cut ?" I ask getting into the back seat of the car looking at my long blonde hair in disgust. Wanda laughed when she turned around and saw me looking at my hair. "Yea sure" Nat says

We get to this high end hair salon that probably costs more than it needs to be , but then again we do have Tony's card. "Hello ladies how can I help you ?" the receptionist asked. "Hi . I just need a cut please" I tell her . Natasha and Wanda decided to get their hair done too .

A hair dresser comes over to me . "Hi sweetie just this way" she says leading me to her chair and I mentally cringe at the pet name. "So what do you want hun ? I can do a trim , a dye job , anything you want " she continues with a smile that probably hurts her face .

"Um I dont know" I say sheepishly . "Here . Look at these to see what you want and I'll be back in a minute" she says handing me a book. I skim through the pages until my eye's land on something amazing . Just as I chose it the lady comes back . "Did you choose" she asks sweetly . 

" Yea . This one please " I say showing her what I want . "Good choice dear" she said. She lead me to a station where she washed my hair and then took me back to the chair to cut it. When she finished a smile grew across my face . I absolutely love it . I thanked her and ran over to my friends . They were waiting for me in the front with their hair done . "Guys your hair looks amazing !" I say running up to them . "We'll arent you the Hottie" Nat say smiling and playing with my new hair . The new dew cut my hair to just below my shoulder blades compared to it being just above my waist before, and it framed my face nicely . The conditioner the lady used made my hair feel like silk and shinny. The shampoo made me smell like strawberries. "Audrey , Bucky is gonna love the new look" Wanda teased me and I looked down trying to hide my blush . "That boy is gonna go weak in the knee's" Natasha added as we got into the car . I laughed still trying to hide my blush. 

When we got back to the tower we set our stuff down in our room's and the girl's came to help me put my stuff away. I changed into one of my new outfits that I favored the most . It was a pair of high waisted  jeans and a plain maroon crop top .

 Once we finished we headed back down to the common room where we figured everyone would be. " Ah ! There you guys are " Tony said jumping off the couch . "Frosty love the new look. Its fantastic but we need to go into the confrence room . We have a mission and you'll be joining us . Then after your and official member of the team but we need to go" he said ushering us out of the room.

wow im gonna be an Avenger

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now