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The truck took me a few states over and thats all I knew of my location. I saw a little corner store and walked inside. " Umm... hi" I say to the guy at the check out counter waving . He flashes me a huge flirtasious smile . "Well , hey there pretty thing" he said leaning over the counter . I smile back "Do you mind telling me where I am ?" . He chuckled his mood no longer flirtasious , now more kind and caring. "Rough night huh ?" . "More like rough life but yes it has been a tough week and now Im here and I dont know where here is " I tell him. " Well your in Chicago" he answers . I groan and throw my head in my hands. He laughs a bit more . "Is there anything I can do for you ?" he asked. I sighed and looked back up at him , sending him a small smile "I dont have any money or anywhere to go . And I dont want to be a bother" I tell him. "Ill tell you what , I get off in 20 minutes how about you can come back to my apartment and we can order some pizza" he offers smiling . "Oh no I cant ask you to do that " I say putting my hands up and shaking my head . "No no I insist let me be your Knight and Shinning Armor for tonight" . With a sigh I cave in "Alright . Whats your name ?" I ask . "Tate . And your's ?"  . "Audrey" I tell him smiling.

* le time skip *

"You've seriously never seen Star Wars before  ?" Tate asks in disbeilef . "Tate I dont even know what Star Wars is " I tell him . "What have you been living under a rock your whole life " he jokes. "Yea basically . I just escaped too" I tell him . "Wait what ?"

" For as long as I can rember I've lived in this , bunker " I say not entirely sure I should tell him . "And I escaped a few weeks ago "

"Holly Shit ! Did you call the police ?" he asked . I didn't really want him to know everything and all the details so I didnt. "Yea . But I needed sometime away . I jumped on a truck and it stopped here" I tell him somewhat honestly. "Dude thats insane . So you really have nowhere to go ?" he asks the last part sadly . I nod . "Well since we're friends now , you can stay here with me " he tells me. "Oh no Tate I dont want to bother you".

"Hey maybe apply for a job and we can split rent. The bar down the street is hiring"

" Ok sounds like a deal " I tell him . "But I might need some new clothes ". I say looking down at my attire. I'm wearing sweat pants and a hoodie . Nobody would hire me .

" My ex girlfriend left some of her clothes here that you can borrow . Its not a big deal"

"Tate , I cant thank you enough " I tell him as my heart swells with gratitude

"Not a problem Audrey , plus I enjoy your company " he says blushing a bit . A huge smile breakes out on my face . "You too" I tell him. This is going to be great , I can finally have a chance at my own life . And hopefully those Avengers and other people wont come to ruin it.

Back at the Avengers Tower

Buckys P.O.V

We sit in the confrence room discussing the girl from ealier . Tony was wrapped up in blankets and pissed . Natasha had a sizable bruise in the middle of her forehead that she did her best to cover up with make up . Steve had frostbite on his toes but luckily his Super Soldier healing prevented him from losing any limbs . All I received was a very hard kick in the face , I was lucky to make it out with only a bloody nose .  

"Did you see where she went ?" Steve asked Tony

"No . I was too busy trying not to freeze" He snarks back

"Do we have any way to track her ?" Nat asked

" I'm having Jarvis search every camera I can hack into across the country looking for her . I mean how hard can it be to find the Ice Queen " The billionaire questioned unsure because she didnt have any feature's that would giver her away easily.

"What information do we have on her ?" Bruce asked

" Nothing really . Just her Hyrda file . It doesnt even tell us her real name." Steve told us , tossing Bruce her file

"What about her abilities ?" asked Clint

" She's acrobatic , skilled in hand-to-hand combat , and can manipulate matter to low tempetures which is how she creates the ice and dropped Tony's body tempeture to just above hypothermia" Banner answered

" She escaped so easily guys . We weren't at all prepared. Next time we will be though" Tony spoke as he shrugged off the blankets finally warming up

" I remember her " I tell the group . They all shot their heads in my direction. Maybe it was because of what I said or if it was because I actually said anything at all. " They called her Frost Bite . We went on a few missions together . They brainwashed her too. She probably has no idea whats going on and is scared we're here to take her back "

"We'll help her Buck . I promise" Steve says to me probably catching my concern for her. "But all we can do for now is search and wait"

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now