The Four Horsemen Project

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I wake up to a beeping sound next to me. I open my eyes but close them because of the bright light. I groan and cover my eye's opening them a bit to adjust .  Sitting up in the bed I realize I'm in the medical ward of the tower. I hear snoring and look to my left to see a sleeping Bucky . I smile that he's here next to me. I lean over and poke his face "Bucky , Bucky" . He opened his eyes and grips my hand . I hiss in pain from the burns and pull my hand away coating the burn's in thick frost to sooth the pain.

"Sorry" he says . "Its ok . How long was I out? " I ask letting out a deep breath and running a hand through my hair . "About a day and a half" he says sitting back . 

" You scared me half to death , doll" he says relived but sad taking my hand more gently this time.

"Sorry. God Tess is such a bitch" I say looking at the burn on my arm. He laughs in response . "Oh my God , My neck !" I say rembering her hand around my throat. "I need a mirror" I continue urgently .

"Does a compact work" I hear Tasha say from the door

" Tasha ! Yes please ." I say smiling at my friend . She pulls one from her pocket and hands it to me while sitting next to Bucky in the spare chair. I open it and look . There's a burn there in the shape of a hand. "Bitch" I say angerly under my breath but my friends catch it and laugh . "Good to have you back Drey" the Widow speaks. 

"It should heal in a few day's" Bruce says walking into the room. I smile in relief. "It wont scar will it" I ask crossing my fingers that it won't. "No . Your lucky they were only first degree burn's" he continued . The one on the back of my neck that my hair hide's was a third degree which is why it scared. 

"When can I leave ?" I ask

"That depends on your vitals and state . I'll have to check" he said walking over to the machines next to me and writing stuff on his clip board. After an hour he cleared me to leave. I changed out of the hospital scrubs into some of my clothes Nat brought for me. 

Bucky is waiting for me at the door . he's so sweet    .   "Hey there Soldier" I say bumping my arm with his. He smiled at me "Steve wants us to meet him in the confrence room" he tell's me . I throw my head back and groan because I was hoping to take a shower and eat after leaving but no I have to talk to Steve.

I sit down in a chair and Bucky takes the one next to me "Audrey , I was hoping you could tell us about the ' The Four Horsemen Project" Steve says holding a file out to me. I take the file from him glad that I gave it to Natasha so that it didn't end up like the others .

"Oh God ." I say gulping and trying to repress the memories and open the file. " 'The Four Hosemen Project'  was a project where they take four children and train and enhance them to make them the deadliest things on the planet if they were put together as a team." I take a deep breath before continuing "The children here are Azazel , May , Tess , and Me" I point to each one as I said their names. I looked so innocent in this picture. "These pictures were taken before the experiments and training happened. We were meant to be Hydra's key to world order. Tess and I were probably the most powerful. Tess never really had a grip on her abilities and emotions which made her unstable and not allowed to go on missions while the rest of us did. Azazel was a spy , May had a special way of extracting information" I say putting it the nicest way possible . "I was sent on kill missions , sometimes with the Winter Soldier . We made a good team but God did I hate them. I hated killing people that I didn't know why I had too . Even though the wiped me each time. I knew it was wrong." I avoid everyones eyes. "We were meant to be The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse basically." I finish and finally looked up at them , moving some hair from my face. . "Hydra had a back up plan . I dont know what it was but I know they were messing with other children too in case we failed . And we have"

"What can you tell us about the others" Steve asked still meaning business.

"Not much . I grabbed our files but Tess burned them into ash. It had all our information in them"

"Maybe they have the same files in the ones we downloaded" Nat seggusted

"Probably that would be a good place to start" I tell her. "All I can tell you about my siblings is their abilities and memories I have" I finish , finally getting control over myself.

"Come on Ice Queen , were going through the files" Tony said taking me to his lab

Tony and I digged through files for hours until we finally found the ones that we wanted. But it had to be decrypted. And that would take a few hours so I just decided to go to bed. I'm pretty sure Tony was about to fall asleep at his desk even though I told him to go to bed.  He just said no. I turned to give Tony one last look and he was passed out on his desk. I laughed and made my way to bed because the past few days have been alot . Even though I was unconsious for part of it I was still exhausted.

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now