Others ?

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Staying true to his word Sam got me a more comfortable room. Mr.Stark and a few people from before came and escored me to a room. It seemed like an actual bed room and not a cell. 

"Ok Frosty , this is your new room . Bathroom , bed , closet . Your sharing a floor with Natasha and Wanda  because of girl things"  Stark said pointing to the things as he spoke. "If you need anything ask F.R.I.D.A.Y. " . "Whos F.R.I.D.A.Y ?" I asked and suddenly the room started speaking . I jumped about a mile as it spoke " I am F.R.I.D.A.Y.. Tony's A.I. and Im here to assist" . Looking around and not finding anyone I spoke a soft "Thanks".

Tony turned to leave but turned around as he remebered something to say . "Oh and dont even think about escaping . If you try to break the glass or leave this room without telling F.R.I.D.A.Y. , we won't be so nice next time . Escpecially since we took off your cuffs" he said pointing a finger at me. I nodded at him and he left along with the others .  

I turn my attention to the book shelf and ran my fingers their spines reading the titles looking for one to read. I settled for 'The Lord of the Flies' . It was an intresting book and I was so consumed with the story that I didnt even notice the figure standing in the door way.

 "So..." he said . I jumped a bit not expecting him to be there as I look up from my book. I place a hand over my heart " Jeez you scared me". He laughed a bit before speaking again. "So can I come in ?" he asked hopeful . I noded at the man. He cam and sat at the edge of the bed next to me. "Im Bucky by the way" he said sticking out his hand for me to shake. I hesitated before shaking it "Audrey"

"So Audrey , do you rember me ?" he asked akwardly

I thought about it for a few seconds , racking my brain . "Vaguely . Mostly just your arm" I tell him

"Yea cuz I rember you . When I saw you at the grocery store last year a bunch of memories just clicked." he laughed akwardly . "Wanna talk about it ?"

"Did they send you in here to question me ?" I acuse

"I wanted to talk to you about what you rember and they might have asked me to ask you a few questions"

I sigh . "Ok"

"Ok ?" he seemed suprised

"They're obviously not going to leave me alone about this and we have similar experiences. So what do you want to know ?"

"What happened the other night ? What do you mean your not the only one because I only rember you ?"

" The other night I lost my Knight in Shinning Armor because of my past ."

" Sam said it was like the guy came out of the shadows"

"Its because he did" I say wiping a tear from my face. "I wasnt Hydra's only special experiment. There are three others. Well now two because The Archer put an arrow between his eyes."

"Others ?"

"Yea . The one who died two days ago could manipulate Shadows and travel through them, his name was Azazel. The 2nd one has telekinesis , her name is May . And the 3rd one it the worst , she controls fire , Tess . She and I never got along , we always ended up trying to kill eachother. Fire and Ice dont exactly mix"

"Why were't they sent out into the field with me or us ?"

"Because all of them are unstable , mentally and physically . They have no control over their powers . Or they didnt" 

"Will they come for you ?"

I nod . "Why else would my best friend be dead and I be here ?"

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now