We're Outlaws Of Forever

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I awoke in the strong arms of Billie. So it wasn't all a dream? I really do live with Green Day and Billie freaking Joe is my dad. I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday, which is gross even though I like to consider myself a grunge kid. I slipped out from under Billie's arm, allowing it to on to my bed. He was out cold. Probably a good thing, Billie seems like the kind of guy who needs a minimum of 14 hours of sleep and God forbid he wake up before then.

I got out of bed and went over to my drawer. I pulled out some black leggings and a oversized Slipknot hoodie. I pulled then on and re-did my iconic side part. I grabbed the eyeliner from my bag and thickened the lines around my eyes. Lookin sharp, Jaylen Ophilia Armstrong. I thought to myself as I looked it the mirror.

"Mornin' kiddo." I heard Billie's voice say from behind me.

"Morning." I said, beaming.

"Your a ray of sunshine this morning." He said, getting out of bed and walking over to me.

"I have a lot be happy about." I said.

"Oh yeah, like what?" He said, playfully.

"It's still unreal that I live with Green Day. I mean I never thought I would even get adopted, much less by you." I said, with heavy emphasis on you.

"Well, is it so far living up to what you wanted?" He said, brushing a stray peice of hair out of my eyes.

"Yes. I'm very pleased." I said, trying to sound fancy.

"You wanna grab some breakfast kiddo?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm starving!" I said back, dramatically.

"Yeah, you're about to wither away." Billie said, sarcastically.

Billie pulled on his maroon zip up and gray beanie while I tied my black ankle tops up and pulled on my black beanie.

"You set?" He asked, unlocking the door.

"Yeah." I said, as we started down the sidewalk.

I climed into the passenger seat and buckled in. I clicked the radio button and found station that was playing Motley Crue's Shout At The Devil. Me and Billie sang our hearts out to every song that came on,then I heard the all too familiar notes of Toto's Africa begin.

"Aw snap son, things just got real!" Billie said, clearly excited.

"I hear the drums echoing tonight, but she heard only whispers of some quiet conversation. She's coming in 12:30 flight, the moonlit wings reflect the stars that gauide me towards salvation. I stopped an old man along the way, hoping to find some old forgotten words or acient melodies. He turned to me as if to say.."  we sang before both practically screaming out, 'HURRY BOY IT'S WAITING THERE FOR YOU!!!" I banged some air drums for the small rift in-between the lyrics before going back to shouting "ITS GONNA TAKE A LOT TO DRAG ME AWAY FROM YOU! THERE'S NOTHING THAT A HUNDRED MEN OR MORE COULD EVER DO! I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA!! ITS GONNA TAKE SOMETIME TO DO THE THINGS WE NEVEE HAD!" We shouted at each other. Honestly, I'm not sure how we didn't get a wreck.

After singing out lungs out to rest of the song, Me and Billie pulled into the parking lot of a Waffle House. All I could think was, Billie makes probably more money off of one album than most people would in their lives, He's internationally famous and one of the most influential musicians of the century, and we're eating at a freaking Waffle House. I'm not complaining. Who  would complain about waffles? But it's pretty funny to think about.

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