Drenched In My Pain Again

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Billie POV

I remember practically running into the hospital. My heart still racing. Is she okay? Why hadn't I gone with her? All these things ran through my head as I pretty much flew at the front desk.

"The girl, the black haired girl, hit by a car, her name is Jaylen Armstrong, she's my daughter." I said, flustered. I probably sound insane to this woman as the front desk but I'm in the middle of a panic attack and mental breakdown right now.

"I need identification sir." The woman said, calmly.

I fumbled with my wallet before shakily pulling out my I.D. She checked it and handed it back.

"What is her full name?" She asked.

"Jaylen Ophilia Armstrong." I said.

"Ok, she just got out of surgery. She's not awake,we don't know how long it will be before she wakes up. Room 114"  She said. I nodded and me, Mike and Trè all ran down the hall to room 114.

When we got there I saw Jay laying in the small hospital bed. She looked pale and was practically being held together by stitches. My heart stopped when I saw her. My little girl, was now laying in a hospital bed and we don't know if she'll ever wake up. Mike and Trè stayed outside and let me go in first. I dropped to my knees at the side of her bed. My heart was caught in my throat and my eyes stung with tears.

"I'm sorry Jay, I should've been there, it should've been me." I found myself saying to the unconscious girl. I held her in my arms and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry." I repeated I don't know how many times for god knows how long. I sat there stroking her hair for so long my hand went numb but I didn't stop. I cried for what seemed to be hours upon days.

I ended up falling asleep on the  hospital sofa next to her bed. I awoke to the feeling of a hand shaking me gently.

"Hey BeeJ, are you staying here tonight? Me and Trè were gonna head home for tonight." I heard Mike say.

"Can you stay?" I asked. I don't know why. I was so tired I don't think I realized I did.

"Sure." I heard Mike say. I also heard Trè chuckle and walk out.

"He's gonna sleep in the lobby, in case Jay wakes up." Mike said. Again I just nodded. I don't know why I was asking them to stay. I was just super out of it. I felt Mike usit down next to me and I burrowed into his chest. I breathed in his scent as he played with my hair a bit. It calmed my still firing nerves for Jay.

"She's gonna be ok BeeJ." I heard Mike say. With that I fell back asleep, Mike's arm around me as I layed on his chest. 

*Time skip, the next day.*

I felt the hot sunshine hit my face. Screw the sunlight. I tried to burrow myself further into Mike's chest. It didn't work. I eventually turned to face the sun, blinking sleep out of my eyes.

"Mornin'." I heard Mike say. I grumbled at this.

"Someone's cheery today." I heard him say.

"Shut up or you will know what it feels like to have your face through a window." I muttered, still groggy.

"Ok princess." Mike laughed. I rolled my eyes and layed my head back on his chest.

"Mornin' my gay friends." Trè said walking in with 3 cups of coffee. He handed two to me and Mike, who was blushing furiously at his remark.

"Like you have room to talk." I said, sipping the crappy hospital coffee.

"Ok, ok fine." Trè said, sitting down across from me and Mike.

"How is she?" He asked after a moment. I looked over to see Jay still laying there unconscious. It's the worst feeling not knowing if you're ever gonna look into the eyes of your kid again. I mean, I never even told her I loved her before she left. Now I may never see her again.

"Hey. She's gonna be ok. She's a fighter. She's tough, she'll pull through." Trè said, noticing tears beginning to fall on my cheeks.

"I never told her I loved her before she left." I said, looking at my knees.

"You'll get to tell her when she wakes up." Trè said.

"What if she doesn't." I muttered. I hate letting myself lose hope, but the thought is so overwhelming I can't push it out of my head.

"She's scrappy, a survivor." (FP line from Riverdale, sorry I really had to reference Riverdale at some point) Trè said. "We're not gonna lose her Billie."

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