Im Taking Heed In Just For You

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WHO THE FRICK KEEPS READING THIS????!! I LOVE YOU ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! *At some point, i don't know when, im gonna put Gerard Way in this, don't freak out all you Killjoys, but it's gonna happen*

*Time Skip, One Month*


Hell's been in session for a month. High school, suuuuuucks. I have Maddie in a few of my classes which only makes school that much more intolerable. The only thing that's going for me is that there is a really cute redhead in my science class. Her name is Angela and she's breath takingly beautiful. I've talked with her a few times and she's super sweet, but incredibly shy. I can't help but wonder if she's lesbian or bi, because honestly she's great. On top of her being pain stakingly gorgeous, she's super smart and nice. She literally has the inhumane ability to be nice to everyone. And she has the highest grade in out class.

I still haven't come out to Billie yet. I still don't really know how to tell him. I know he'd love me unconditionally but I'm just not ready. I don't know if I will ever be ready.

I walked home one day, the crisp October air blowing my hair in all directions. I remember tuning in only the lyrics of Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, when I felt someone begin walking in pace with me. I look over than to see none other than Angela Payne.

"Hey." I said, taking one earbud out.

"Hi Jay." She said, smiling. We've gotten closer the past week. She seems to be warming up to me which is good.

"What are you listening to?" She asked.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" I teased. She nodded.

"My Chemical Romance." I said, smirking.

"You like them too!?" She exclaimed.

"Wait, say what now?" I said. "You like My Chemical Romance?" I asked.

"Yes! I love them, Green Day, Blink-182 and a lot of other Punk Rock/ Alt. Rock/ Pop Punk bands." She said, becoming giddy with excitement.

"Green Day huh?" I said, smirking.

"Not a fan?" She asked.

"You kidding! Green Day is my life! Literally!" I said.

"What do you mean literally?" She asked, still not wiping that grin off her face.

"Why don't you just follow me." I said, taking her by the hand and leading her towards my house.

"K, when we go inside, do not freak out on me." I said while unlocking the door.

"Ok?" She said, still smiling.

I opened the door and stepped into the house, holding the door to allow Angela to come in.

"Hey kiddo, how was you day?' Billie asked as me and Angela walked into the kitchen. I saw her jaw drop to the floor when she saw Billie standing there.

"Great. And uh, Billie this is Anglea Payne, Angela this is Billie." I said introducing the two.

"Hi Angela." Billie said, holding his hand out for Angela to shake. She stood there stunned for a moment whilst shaking his hand. This is honestly hilarious to watch.

"Billie, Trè put another fu-" Mike started then stopped himself when he was Angela "oh hi." He said, trying to appear cool.

"Oh. My. God" Angela said, simply.

"Uh, hi, Mike Dirnt." Mike said, holding his hand out for Angela to shake.

"Yeah I know." Angela said, sounding distant.

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