I've Figured Out What It Takes To Be A Man

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Billie POV

On the drive back home from the pizza restaurant I heard Jay and Angela talking about different things. School, music, homework, movies, stuff like that. I didn't hear any boys come through in this conversation which is a good sign. Jay is honestly breath takingly beautiful for a 14 year old girl, so I'm surprised she didn't have guys lining up for her. I'm also not ready for her to start dating. Even though she's a teenager and she's only lived with me a little over a month, she made me mature in ways I never could've imagined. And it's hard to think that one day there will be a guy more important than me in her life. It makes me kinda regret not adopting her sooner. Then I wouldn't have missed the adorable child stage.

Her and Trè are pretty much best friends. Their two goofballs who love to play jokes on me and Mike. She's still hasn't lost that wit and sass she's expressed from the moment we met. She gives me a run for my money when it comes to sass. She turns 15 next week on Halloween. I've been thinking hard about what to get her and I think she's catching on to what im doing. I'm still trying to arrange things, but I know Jay loves My Chemical Romance, so I'm trying to set up a date for her to meet Gerard Way. Me and Gee are good friends and go way back so it can't be that hard, but keeping it a secret from her is
gonna suuuuuck.

When we got home her and Angela instantly ran upstairs, leaving me and the guys standing in the doorway.

"Well that was fun." Mike said, pulling his jacket off.

"Movie night?" Trè asked, giving the puppy eyes.

"You are such a child, but sure." I said, putting my beanie on the table and grabbing beer from the fridge. I handed one to Mike and one to Trè. We went back into the living room and I put on Scream.

"Seriously, you do know Jay isn't here right?" Mike said, rolling his eyes and taking another swig of his beer.

"Is it so bad that I myself just wanna watch a horror movie?" I asked.

"A crappy horror movie." Trè added, drinking his beer.

"Well what we're you two nimrods gonna suggest?" I asked, purposely putting in the title of one of our albums in this sentence.

"Titanic." Trè said almost instantly.

"Are you drunk?" Mike asked.

"No. I just really wanna cry." Trè explained.

I got up and put Titanic in. Usually people would ignore Trè's request because they would think he was kidding, but no. Trè is being dead serious, he wants to watch Titanic.


One movie and  many beers later, we were all wasted.

"Why couldn't Rose have made more room for Jack on the door, there was plenty of room for both of them?!" I asked crying hysterically. I was so drunk I could barely think. I was seeing stars and everything was either hilarious or caused me to go into a round of waterworks.

"I don't know." Trè slurred. He was obviously wasted as well.

"Why did Leo have to die?" Mike said, crying too. He was distraught like a teenage girl who had a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio and watched this movie.

Me and Mike held each other while we cried hysterically on the floor. Trè had his head in my lap and was also crying. It didn't take long for us to be out cold on the floor, I just hope that Jay didn't wake up to see me, Mike and Trè curled up on to each other as we slept.

About 2 am I woke up. Hangover in session. I stood up and almost fell over. Mike and Trè we're both still out cold in the floor, so I decided to head upstairs and shower, try and get the hangover to pass.

I almost fell about 6 times while walking up the stairs. I could barely stand up straight and was still seeing stars. I passed by Jay's bedroom and decided to peek in, make sure they we're asleep as they did have school tomorrow.

I opened the door slightly to see Jay and Angela on Jay's bed. Jay had her head on Angela's chest and Angela had her arms wrapped around her. They we're both nocked out cold. Im not sure if they were spooning or if they just fell asleep like this, but either way it was cute. I don't know if Jay is homosexual, and it wouldn't make me love her any less if she was. I know that if she is she'll come out eventually. Maybe if I told her Im bi she'll come out? She probably would. Maybe she's heard Coming Clean and knows, she's just still working up the courage to tell me? Or maybe they just accidentally fell asleep like this and she's actually straight as a line? I dunno. I just don't want her to think I'm gonna hate her if she is lesbian or bisexual. I know she doesn't want to talk about a lot of stuff and im not gonna pressure her to, but I don't want us to keep secrets or feel like we have to hide things from one another. Thats what family is for after all  to support, protect and love one another.

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