Dad Will Never Understand, Whats Happening To Me

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Billie POV

Me and Jay climbed into the car and I switched the radio on, hearing to sound of Master Of Puppets by Metallica playing through the speaker. I saw Jay's eyes lighten up when it started, she clearly has great taste in music. I've learned a lot about Jay in the short 2 days we've been together. A, she hates fake people. B, she's definitely a no B.S person. C, she has awesome music and style taste. And D, she's super funny. But I can tell there are some things she's not telling me. I don't want to pressure her to talk to me, but I also don't want her to feel like she has to keep secrets. You can tell she's been broken many times over, and has obvious trust issues. But I am her legal dad so I just want her to feel like she can tell me anything. I can see she fears judgment, so she clearly thinks I would judge her for something. Which I wouldn't, but I'll wait for her to come around about it.


I slumped against the car door listening to the sounds of Master Of Puppets on the radio. There I was a lot I wanted to tell Billie, but I didn't want him to look at me different because of it. 1. Obviously being as stated, I'm bi. 2. Being, I feel very uncomfortable about my past, I lived with a foster family for a month once. Yes, only a month. That's how long it took them to decide the hated me, and it makes me insecure about any family relationship I have. They would call me a homosexual creep, pervy, emo, gay,gothic and other horrible things that no one should ever be called. They started off nice but when I told them about my sexuality they freaked. I don't want the same thing to a happen with Billie.

The last thing I have trouble talking about with anyone, even thinking about, was the fact I tried to commit suicide. When I was 12,  I got into a huge fight with one of the ladies at the orphanage. She called me out for being emo, bi, goth, and I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in. I had opened a bottle of bleach and was going to down it, just to get the pain of judgment over and gone. I pretty much had to talk myself out of suicide. You see at the time I was listening to Coming Clean by Green Day. I still have no idea what the song is about, but I know that when I listened to the lyrics "I figured out what it takes to be a man, though mom and dad will never understand what's happening to me" spoke to me. I had always thought that the lyrics we're about drug issues, but I was able to apply them to this instance in my life and that's what convinced me not to suicide. That's what I meant by how Green Day has helped me more than I can put into words. They pretty much saved my life.

I know I have to tell Billie all this stuff eventually, but I just don't know when. Let's see if I make it til then end of the month, then I'll think about it.

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