Your Faith Walks On Broken Glass

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**Time Skip, One Month**
Billie POV

I sat up here everyday for the past month. Jay still hasn't woken up. The doctors say that the chances of her ever waking up are extremely low, and that if she does she will more than likely not be able to remember much. Why hadn't I gone with her? Why had I been so stupid than to let her go out by herself?

Angela POV

Me and T have sat up at the hospital everyday after school. We want to see Jay when she wakes up. Billie told us she's not likely to, but we have to stay hopeful. We mostly just sit outside her room waiting for someone to tell us we can see her. It's so hard to see her laying there, still broken and battered. Luckily her injuries on her body we're not too bad, but it still hurts seeing her laying there.

Billie POV

Me, Trè, Mike and Gerard sit in the room for hours on end. Gerard really wants to meet her. I can hardly look at her without feeling tears run down my face.

"Hey." Gerard said looking at me. "She's gonna wake up." He said.

"What if she doesn't remember me? Or anyone for that matter?" I asked.

"They said she wouldn't remember much when she woke up, that doesn't mean she won't get her memory back Bill." Mike said, standing on the other side of the room.

We sat in an awkward silence for bit. Either staring at the floor or doing the axious knee bounce thing. After what felt like hours someone finally piped up.

"Summer has come and passed, the innocent can never last, wake me up when September ends. Like my father has come and passed, 7 years has gone so fast,wake me up when September ends." I heard Gerard song, Trè joining in on the second line.

"Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are." He continued, with Trè and Mike singing softly with him.

"As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost." I sang myself. There was a short silence.

"Wake me up when September ends." I heard as small voice say. I looked up to see Jay, staring straight at me.

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