Sing Like American Eulogy

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We walked through the front door only to be greeted by Mike running around like a lunatic.

"DID YOU FORGET!!?" He shouted, pulling pants on.

"Forget what? And stop screaming." Billie said, stuffing his keys in his pocket.

"THE MEETING!" Mike said, still shouting.

"Crap! I totally forgot!" Billie exclaimed. "K, Jay, will you be alright at home by yourself for a bit? We've got a huge meeting to go to for stuff we gotta take care of for the band." Billie said turning to me.

"Yeah, totally." I said.

"C'MON TRÈ WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" Mike yelled up the stairs and Trè came rushing down in baggy Misfits T-shirt, jeans and red converse.

"Oh how professional of you." Mike said sarcastically and he finished buttoning his shirt.

"Whatever, c'mon." Trè replied pushing past me and Billie to get to the door. Mike followed after him.

"You sure you'll be ok?" Billie said, looking me dead on in the eyes.

"I'll be fine Billie, now hurry!" I said, gesturing for him to get to the door. He pulled me into a quick hug and kissed my cheek. "Love you Jay!" He said as he closed the door behind him. "I love you too." I said at the closed door.

I walked into the living room and switched on the T.V. I put it on M.TV and after about an hour of watching music videos and Metalacalypse re-runs I decided to take a shower. Then I realized, I didn't have anything to shower with. I needed shampoo, conditioner and body wash. I also needed things like a razor, shaving cream, face moisturizer and my "womanly products" as I figured I wouldn't find any of those lying around.

There's a CVS about 4 blocks from here, so I can walk and grab what I need. I slipped my shoes on and was about to walk out the door when I thought, If Billie came home and you we're gone he would lose it, so I went back into the kitchen, grabbed a sticky note and a sharpie from the junk drawer and wrote,

To Billie,
If you get home before me, don't freak out, I went to CVS to grab some things. I'll be back soon.

Love, Jay

Short and simple. I stuck the note on the front of the fridge and then walked out the front door. I had a crumpled 20 in my jacket pocket, which should be enough for everything. The cold early September air hit my face and stung my cheeks. School would start up in a week and I'm not ready for that. High school is gonna suck, I can already tell. It's not that I'm not a good student, I just already know the people are gonna be little hellians.

I walked the four blocks to the CVS with my earbuds blasting Drowning Pool in both ears. The ladies at the orphanage always said that I was gonna get hit by a bus one day because of always having earbuds in. I walked in and as soon as it did I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. A text from Billie.

Hey kiddo, wanna get
some I've cream or
something while you're
there? Movie night.

                  Sure thing!

You're the best! See
you when you get

I closed my phone and continued back to where the bath products were. I grabbed Vanilla Lavender scented shampoo and conditioner and a bar of pink Dove. I know they all smell pretty much the same, but the pink one just makes me feel better. After grabbing everything I needed from that ailse I walked to the back of the store where they had two large freezers. I grabbed a gallon of Mint Chocolate Chip and a gallon of Peanut Buttercup. If they wanted something else they should've asked.

I walked back to the register where an older lady rang me up. She gave me an odd look, I couldn't tell if it was because I was 14 and out by myself or because I looked like a homeless kid or both. I payed an extra 5 dollars for a freezer bag so I could get the ice cream home without it melting. I said my thanks and walked out of the store.

I was only a block down but I was already tired of carrying the bags. Ice cream gets heavy after a while ok? I eventually made it back to the house after what felt like an eternity. My arm felt like it was gonna come out of it's socket. I opened the door and Billie appeared from around the corner.

"Hey kiddo!" He said as I handed him the bag with I've cream.

"Hi, how was the meeting?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Boring. Boring adult stuff." He said, rolling his eyes.

"OH NICE!" He said as he opened the freezer bag. "Peanut Buttercup is the best!" He said, holding it like it was award or something.

"Yeah." I said, smiling. "I'm gonna go out this in my room." I said, holding up the bag that had my groceries in it. Billie nodded and I ran up the stairs to and threw the bag onto my bed. I looked around to see that Trè had put the leg lamp in my room. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I put my bath items in my bathroom and then flopped down on my bed. I looked at the clock on my nightstand to see it read 12:34 pm. I realized I was pretty hungry as it was around lunch time.

I got up and went back downstairs. I found Billie started a pot of Mac' N Cheese.

"Hope your good with this." He said, stirring it.

"Yeah, totally." I said, sitting at the table.

"So what movie do you wanna watch tonight?" Billie asked, placing a bowl of Mac'N Cheese in front of me. He started down across from me as we both ate.

"Poltergeist." I said, swallowing a mouthful of macaroni.

"Dude, seriously." Billie said.

"Uh yeah! It's only like, the best horror movie!" I said.

"That's an opinion not a fact." He said all smart aleck-y.

"What were you gonna suggest? The Princess Bride? Heather's?" I teased.

"How do you go from Poltergeist to The Princess Bride to Heather's? They have absolutely nothing in common." Billie said, smiling.

"What were you actually going to suggest?" I asked.

"Dunno. I was thinking, maybe, This Is Spinal Tap?" He said, shrugging.

"No, this one goes to eleven!" I said, causing Billie to laugh.

"We can watch both if you want." Billie said.

"What about Mike and Trè?" I asked.

"What about me and Trè?" Mike said suddenly appearing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"We we're just discussing what movie we we're gonna watch tonight and we've decided on Poltergeist and Spinal Tap." Billie said.

"Are we watching Poltergeist first and then Spinal Tap so that we don't have nightmares?" Mike joked.

"Did someone say Spinal Tap?" We all turned to see Trè had appeared in the doorway.

"Yeah, we're gonna watch it an Poltergeist tonight." I said, smiling.

"How do we go from an insanely scary movie to a stupid humor comedy?" Trè asked as he scooped himself a bowl of Mac'N Cheese.

"It's not that scary!" I said.

"Whatever!" Trè said back. "That's the scariest stuff I've ever seen in my life!"

"You've never seen Madison McBride when she wakes up before 8 am." I said.

"I was gonna say. Trè, we've both seen Billie at 9 in the morning with a hangover. I'm sorry but that tops Poltergeist." Mike said, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"Why is this about me now?" Billie said, smiling at his friends joke.

"Oh. My. God. Mike made a joke everybody, it's a whole new day!" I said, causing everyone in the kitchen to start laughing. I've finally found a place I belong, a place where I have these amazing people to love and care for me. I can't let anything ruin that.

Viva La Gloria, Oh Little Girl!Where stories live. Discover now