Seventeen And Coming Clean For The First Time

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Today's the day! Today is my birthday! Well not really. It's just the day we are having the party, since my actual birthday is on Halloween and j want to go to the school dance and trick or treating. Plus tomorrow is a school night and so we can't stay up too late.  I'm actually really excited.I have a family who cares and two best friends. Me, Angela and Teagan are having a sleepover tonight, Ollie (Billie's mom) Alan, David, Hollie, Marci and Anna, his 5 siblings, are all driving from Rodeo to San Francisco and will be here around lunchtime.

I woke up at much usual time, I got up and pulled on my Rage and Love shirt. I pulled on some black skinny jeans, a flannel, sleeveless denim jacket and red converse. The same outfit I had on the day Billie adopted me. I went into the bathroom and put on my make up and fixed my hair. Billie hated that I wore make up. He said I'd didn't need it, but I like the way it looks. I put my mix tape in my Walkman and pressed play as I went downstairs.

Billie POV

"Crap." I said, hanging up the phone. I had just gotten off the phone with Gerard, he's not gonna make it to the party. He said his flight got delayed but that he would be here tomorrow. Aside from the surprise appearance of Gerard, I got Jay I couple T-shirts, records, and as her "big gift" I got her, her own drum kit. She was currently using Trè's when she wanted to practice, which she was fine with, but Trè beats those drums to death and they're pretty much in a condition only Trè can use. Plus we are writing a lot so he's using them a lot more and Jay can't use them. I'm not sure what my mom, siblings, Trè or Mike got her so it's just as much a surprise for me as it is for her.

"Hey." I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Hey kiddo." I said, hugging her. "Happy birthday." I added as we released.

"Y'know it's not my real birthday." She said, beaming.

"But we're celebrating today aren't we?" I teased. " C'mon,let's get in the car." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the front door.

"Where are we going?" She asked, still smiling.

"It's a surprise." I said, smirking at her. She playfully rolled her eyes and followed.

We hopped into the driver and shotgun positions. Jay switched on the radio and turned it up when she found the station playing Welcome To The Black Parade.

"When I was, a young boy, my father, took me into the city, to see a marching band." She sang.

"Your not even a boy." I teased.

"It's doesn't matter, it's the song, I didn't decide the lyrics." She sassed back.

"Seriously though where are we going?" She asked after a moment.

"Its a surprise." I repeated

"Ugh! You are the worst!" She joked.

"Yes I know I'm so evil for wanting to surprise my daughter with something nice." I sassed back at her.

"Fine." She grumbled, the smile not leaving her face.

We pulled into the Waffle House parking lot and I switched off the car.

"Really." She asked, still smiling.

"Yes. This is a special place as it was the first place we went just the two of us." I said, putting my arm around her as we walked into the restaurant.

We sat down at the exact same booth we did the first time we came here. She hadn't stopped smiling the entire morning.

"Thanks." She said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything." She replied simply. She was crying a bit but she kept the smile on her face.

We ordered our food and ate in a comfortable silence. The reason I had taken her out was, yes it was because it's her birthday and also because Trè and Mike had gone out to get to get the cake, balloons, and other stuff for the party. They also were putting to the drum kit together in her room. We all pitched in to get it cause we wanted it to be from all of us. She was gonna love it, I can tell. We decided to give her the drum kit before the party so that she can enjoy it before the hell starts.

My mom, I have no idea what she got Jay. They've never even met, but I texted my mom to tell her what Jay liked. I can tell my mom was gonna love Jay and Jay was gonna love her. My siblings I know we're probably going to get her clothes. I mean it's the easiest thing to get for a kid if they don't know what all they like. They'd all seen pictures of Jay on my sociaedia pages and hers so they could use those to judge her style and size.

"Here, selfie." I said, as she walked around to my side of the table. I gave her a side hug and we both smiled at the phone. I snapped the picture and put it on my Facebook page with the caption "My little basket case is 15! Happy birthday Jay!" We threw the word idiot, Nimrod, basket case and others around a lot. We took idiot as a compliment as Jay told us our fan base now refers to themselves as The Idiot Nation, or The Idiot Amry. Whichever one.

We got up and left after paying the tab. We got to the car when she turned to me and gave me a hug. We stood there a few moments holding each other. When we released she looked at me, she was crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I aksed softly. She shook her head, still sobbing.

"JJ, come on tell me." I said, still in a hushed voice.

"I....i..I" she stuttered. I lead her into the car so we could talk more privately.

"JJ, I need you to talk to me." I said. I'm honestly terrified right now. Did I do something? Why was she all the sudden sobbing? Something was obviously bothering her and it hurts to not know what.

"You'll hate me." She said, the tears were stopping but she still looked broken.

"Jay, look at me." I said as she relunctantly turned to me. "Nothing. Ok? Nothing, will ever make me love you any less or hate you at all." I said. My voice was breaking and I could feel my eyes burning.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"I promise." I said.

She bretahed in deeply before  saying "I.. I like girls." She looked down at her knees.

I felt my heart swell with pride and a smile creep on my face.

"A..a..and boys." She choked out, voice still breaking.

"Jaylen Ophilia Armstrong." I said. She looked at me.

"Nothing could make me more proud of you, than this moment." I said.

"W..why?" She asked.

"Because, you worked up the courage to tell me this, and that takes balls, I know it does" I said, wiping a tear from my eye." It may have taken a while, but I love you for being able to tell me."

I saw to the fear I her eyes go away. I saw tears forming in her eyes. But they weren't sad anymore. They we're happy and relieved.ww hugged for what felt like hours.

"I love you Jay." I said into her shoulder.

"I love you too." She whispered.

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