Its Something Unpredictable,But In The Ends Its Right

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Billie POV
*Time skip, 4 hours. Jay has been at the hospital, alive but unstable, they have no way of identifying her since she left her phone at home, so Billie has no idea what happened*

"Crap." I said as closed my phone. 14 missed calls and 32 messages from me. Jay never doesn't answer. I'm really worried about her. I went up to her room to find her phone still on her nightstand. So that's why she hasn't been answering.

"Hey, where's Jay?" My mom asked, appearing in the doorway.

"She went on a walk around 8 this morning. She left her phone here, so I have no idea where she is." I said. I could feel that panic growing inside

I picked my phone back up and dialed the Payne's number to see if she was at Angela's.

"Hello?" I heard a woman on the other line ask.

"Yeah, uh ,this is Billie, Jay's dad. Is Jay there?" I asked.

"No. Angela said the last time she saw her was this morning." Mrs. Payne said.

"Oh ok, thanks." I said, hanging up. I was trying to compose myself but I'm really freaking out. I dialed the Jones number. No answer. I tried again. Still no answer.

"Well crap." I said.

"Hey,I'm sure she's okay." My mom said.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Hey Billie! You need to see this!" I heard Mike yell from the living room.

I ran down to find Mike and Trè staring at the T.V.

"What happened?" I aksed walking over to them. They both looked at my solemnly then back at the T.V. I looked on to see a news anchor holding, in a bag, a busted Walkman and earbuds.

"A teenage girl, between the ages of 13 and 17, was found today. She was struck my a moving vehicle and is now in intensive care at St. Marlie's hospital. She has black hair and was found in a Green Day, Insomniac shirt. We have no way of identifying her, so if you know who this girl is please call the number on the screen or go to St.Marlie's hospital and identify her. Thank you." She said. They flashed pictures of the scene. I saw a picture of paramedics loading the small, mangled girl into the back of an ambulance.

"Oh God." I muttered. My heart sank. Already from when she held the Walkman, I knew it was Jay. I wanted to tell myself other wise, but I couldn't. I wanted it to be some other poor kid but it wasn't. It was her. Bloodied, broken and bruised. I felt myself fall to the floor, tears rolling down my face.

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