Third Witch Accusal

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The Witch Report Bureau has just received this letter from one of Queen Oxy's appointed witch hunters:

My Dear Queen Oxy,

It has been made aware to me from your letter that there are witches lurking in our precious kingdom. My gut has lead me to believe that Miriam Herbert of Ashburg it practicing the craft. The reasons being that:

1. In the first law that she would put into place if she were to become Queen, she said that each citizen would be free to be exactly what they wanted to be.- This caused me to ponder and I came to the realization that maybe there was an underlying meaning to her statement. Perhaps she as referring to herself and her fellow witches and wishes for all of them to have the right to a life where they do not have to hide the gift that they were given at birth.

2. Her second law also rang a few warning bells in my mind. The fact that she would resort to capital punishment as a way for someone to pay for their crimes, (and the fact that she made it so bluntly clear), leads me to believe that this is her means of retaliation; to avenge the deaths of all the witches who were burned at the stake as a punishment for their practices.

3. Her somewhat gothic appearance brought thoughts of darkness and mystery to me and I believe that it is a symbol of her identity as a witch. While most members of the Court have classical looks and dress accordingly to the code of what a royal should wear, she opts for an edgier look that is often associated with witchcraft and sorcery.

While you take all that I have stated above into account, I also want to bring forward my belief that Lady Miriam is a fine, noble woman. If she does turn out to be a witch, I know for sure that she is kind and pure at heart. I do hope that you would be as lenient as possible with whatever charge you place against her.

Yours Respectfully,

Anonymous Witch Hunter

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