Lady Anna Marie Donatella of Ashburg

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Getting ready for the ball was quite a process. I love parties, especially balls, so I wanted to look my best. I crafted my brown hair into a beautiful side swept hair style. Long, soft, delicate curls fell gently on my left shoulder. On my head I wore a small delicate crystal tiara. The make up I put on was very extravagant. I wore a rose pink blush, and fake eyelashes with rhinestones on the tips. The eyeshadow I wore was a combination of shades of blue and green to bring out my hazel eyes. My lips I painted rose red. And I put Shimmering glitter around my eye lids and my cheeks. I put around my neck a brilliant silver necklace with gems weaved in and out of it's twisted form. I also wore diamond round earrings.

Then came my dress. I had a hard time choosing from the various gowns in my wardrobe. I wanted a gown that was beautiful and fancy, but also light weight, so I could dance the night away. First the corset. My maids helped put it around me, the cursed thing, and pulled the strings in the back to tighten it around my body. It pulled the air right out of my lungs!! I hate corsets, they make it so I can barely breath, but I guess it's a small price to pay for a beautiful dress. The gown itself was an ocean teal color, and was covered with sparkles. The skirt part was puffy and glimmered when I moved. It was covered in shimmering crystals. The sleeves started half way down my shoulder and were long and sheer down my arm.I put on a pair of silver heels that were actually quite comfortable, and then I was almost done. Finally to complete the look I grabbed my blue fan, and went to the ball.

When I arrived at the party, I entered the large ballroom and smiled. I stood at the top of one of the staircases and looked onto the dancing guests. And I saw, sitting in the throne on the far side of the room, the queen. Queen Oxy. She was beautiful. Her wisdom, and elegance showed ever so clearly through her looks and body language. Just then someone hugged me from behind. I turned around and saw my sister.

"Onyx!" I cried out hugging her back,"My god it's been too long."

"I know," she said smiling,"You look beautiful."

"You do too sis, you look amazing. The boys will be fighting over a dance with you."

We laughed.

And then I peered down onto the ballroom and spotted my best friend.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment sister I see someone I would like to say hello to."

"Of course." Onyx replied,"I will see you later."

I carefully descended the staircase and joined the crowd of people on the dance floor.

Walking across the large ballroom I tried to avoid bumping into the figures dancing gracefully to the music. The crystal chandelier reflected light like stars onto the ceiling.

I made my way over to Lucia. She turned just in time to see me approaching, and smiled showing her dimples. We embraced each other in greeting.

"Anna it's nice to see you." She called me by my nickname.

"Nice to see you too, you look stunning."

"So do you."

We started talking and catching up on the latest gossip we talked for what seemed like forever when someone tapped me on the shoulder. We turned around. It was my cousin Sora!

"Oh my god Sora!" We hugged,"I'm so happy you found me."

"Me too cousin, you're hard to find." He smiled,"I'm surprised you're not out on the dance floor."

"Well I just got carried away with my friend here." I said referring to Lucia,"oh I never introduced you did I? I'm sorry how rude of me. Sora this is my best friend Lady Lucia Giselle Clara de la Fountaine of Ashburg," I paused and took a breath. Her name is lovely but quite a mouthful,"And Lucia this is my cousin Lord Sora of Fayí."

"A pleasure to meet you Lady Lucia."

"Same to you Lord Sora."

"Anna," He turned to me,"Would you like a dance?"

"Sure." I smiled, and took his hand.

"Until later Lucia."

"Until later." She waved as I parted from her.

As Sora swirled me around the dance floor we caught up with each other. It had been quite a while since we had spoken. He told me some stories about life in Fayí. I told him how I was going to star in the Ashburg ballet with my friend Lucia. It was a wonderful time, but then the music stopped. At first I was sad that my feet stopped moving, but then some bells rang,

and the buffet table was brought out. The sweet aroma of food soon filled the air. I indulged in the roasted ham, salad, warm toasted bread and butter, and mashed sweet potatoes. There was a plate of fruit that had slices of pineapples, cantaloupes, apples and my favorite fruit, purple grapes. To say the food was delicious would be an understatement, and that was before dessert was brought out. The dessert table was filled with cakes, cookies, and treats. And of course the sweet smell of chocolate led me to the bowl of candies. I savored the taste of the creamy chocolate in my mouth. I smiled because my sister found the chocolate too. We ate the chocolate together. It was always one of our favorite foods. As the night went on I socialized and danced with many guests. I felt like I needed some air so I went outside and admired the large intricate palace. I smiled. Just being there made me feel so alive. I took a deep breath, taking in the rich air of the castle.

"Beautiful isn't it."

I turned to see Onyx standing beside me.

"It is." I replied,"it really is."

"It must be wonderful, living in the palace." She said.

"Yes, it must sister.."

We stood there admiring the castle under the starry night sky. We later rejoined the party and when it was over we parted ways. I had such an wonderful time at the ball, I cannot wait for the next one. Maybe next time I will have a special someone to bring with me. No matter what, I know I'll have an amazing time like I did this ball.

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