3rd Letter From The Queen

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Correspondence Directly From Queen Oxy

Distinguished Guests,

Many things have happened in these past few weeks that I would like to address. I will save the best for last and start by giving the bad news.

During the witch hunt, Lady Miriam confessed to being a witch. Therefore, she will be exiled and her accuser, Baronetess Lucia has risen up yet another rank, and is now Baroness Lucia. Lady Shayne and Lord Sora were judged guilty in their trials and will also be exiled. Meaning, Lady Anna and Lady Carolina are now Baronetess Anna and Baronetess Carolina. Because Lady Rexy made it through her trial, she has also moved up one rank to Baronetess Rexy.

On a much happier note, (although moving up rankings is always excellent), it brings me great joy to announce another member of The Royal Court. Lady Gwendoline Marielle de Angelo of Ashburg! Please treat her with kindness as she joins us.

You all have done a great job with everything so far. It has come to my attention that we have a significant amount of Ladies, and not many Lords. So I am purposing a jousting tournament to bring in new Lords and possibly get them interested in running to be an heir. More details will be sent by the Instruction Bureau below.

Sincerely, Queen Oxy of Wattpadia


First, I am so sorry to the people who were exiled. Some of you had to drop out anyway, and others, I love you dearly, but you were a vote or two shy. I wish it wasn't like this but I have to follow the rules. However, anyone exiled is still welcome to vote for the remaining members and follow the contest. I might call upon you in the future for a challenge. Anyway, on to the instructions.

Jousting tournaments are a sure-fire way to move up the ranks! In the next three days, every member of the royal court can try to find new royals to recruit. Any of your friends who might want to join are welcome.

Or, if you can't find anyone, I will allow everyone to create a second character, doubling your chances of winning the contest. Anyone can do this, but be warned, it's going to be a lot of work. Prizes will not be doubled.

If you are recruiting people, tell them to tell me that you sent them.

If you want to double enter, fill out another form and P.M. it to me.

Or don't participate at all, it's totally optional. But, if you do either one of these things, you WILL move up a rank.

You have until December 16th, 11:59 Central Time to make your move! Next contest will involve writing.

Lots of Love!

The Ruler of Wattpadia - ContestWhere stories live. Discover now