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one year later

amari examines herself in the mirror, sliding her hands over the silky material of her dress. she takes a deep breath and slides the veil over her face. this is it, she thinks. today, she becomes mrs. ben simmons.

"do i look okay?" amari asks as vanessa passes by her. vanessa scoffs and throws an arm around her shoulder and admires the two of them in the mirrors.

"you look great," vanessa says, giving her a squeeze before letting go. amari nods and exhales a breath that she'd been holding. amari turns to the side and sighs. she did look good—her body is back to what is was before the twins; slightly better.

"it's time to line up!" donteia yells and amari closes her eyes and counts to ten before exhaling the breath. once the girls line up, it's all about her. cue an immense amount of nerves she didn't know she was capable of experiencing.

amari finally moves away from the mirror and watches her girls get in a single file line. "good luck!" she calls lousily. they all turn around and give her a smile before donteia pushes the doors open and they exit the dressing room and head to the reception.

ken walks in as the last girl leaves and opens his arms for amari. "you look beautiful," he compliments, his eyes watering.

amari walks into his open arms and hugs him. "thank you, daddy," they pull apart and he kisses her cheek. amari grabs his hand and they walk out of the dressing room.

her heart pounds against her ribcage and her hands slick with sweat. amari gnaws on the inside of her cheek and wipes her hands along the fabric of her dress.

the two of them reach the doors to the reception and one of the doormen hands her the flowers. "thank you," she says, her voice shaky. "can i ask you something?" amari asks. her dad chuckles at the fact that that statement alone was a question.


"how... how do you know if you're doing the right thing?" she asks, heart pounding. her dad looks at her and tilts his head to the side.

"are you having second thoughts?"

"no, i'm just nervous."

"do you love him?"

"with everything in me," she answers immediately. her dad gives her a small smile and squeezes her hand.

"then i think you know the answer to that one," just at that moment, it's their cue and amari lets go of his hand and takes his arm instead.

the doorman opens the door and everyone in the room stands. amari and her dad walk down the aisle and amari smiles at the people around her, her heart going crazy. she was really about to get married.

bens eyes water as he watches her walk down the aisle. she's never looked more angelic in her life.

as she nears the end of the aisle, she stops and her father kisses her cheek and takes a seat next to adrian. ben steps down a few steps and holds out his hand for her. amari takes it and he helps her up. "hi," he says, blinking away his tears.

"hi," she says and hands nia, her maid of honor, her flowers. she faces ben and she blushes under his gaze. they join hands and amari lets out a breath as the priest steps up to start the ceremony.

"you may be seated. today, we come together by the grace of God to join ben and amari in holy matrimony..." the priest goes on with the typical introduction of the ceremony and ben and amari just look at each other.

when it's time for their vows, amari feels her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach. confessing all of her feelings in front of everyone is enough to make her want to throw up.

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