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amari quickly pulls her braids into a ponytail and races downstairs, jacket and purse in hand. "lets go!" she rushes, shrugging on her oversized varsity jacket and putting on her sunglasses.

the twins quickly rush out of the house, followed by their two sets of grandparents, their aunt, and uncles. ben and amari quickly lock up the house and get into their cars.

today, the twins have their first games of season after two weeks of practice, and the entire family is going. nia is coming too, but later and with kemba and her daughter.

amari backs out her car after ben, and drives in the direction of the basketball game. "you ready to play today?" ken asks kyra, a smile on his face.

"kinda," kyra replies, nervously playing with the drawstring of her uniform shorts.

"kinda? what do you mean kinda?" amari asks, glancing at her in the rear view. kyra shrugs and looks out the window.

"just nervous," she replies.

"what you got to be nervous for? you've played before," myles says, slinging an arm around kyras shoulder and pulling her up right.

"what if i suck? or choke? the other teams point guard is 6'6–i don't stand a chance," kyra sighs, running her hand over her recently done cornrows and pulling them over her shoulder.

"you're almost 6'2, girl!" ken says. kyra shrugs and slumps against myles' side and cracks her knuckles.

"i know. i just don't want to be a let down," she mumbles. ever since she picked up a basketball, she's wanted to make everyone proud, but it's been hard being in two shadows. adrian is the better twin, no doubt, but kyra feels like it's almost in every aspect. he's more athletic, cooler, better at making friends. kyra is solely good at basketball and tennis, nervous and awkward, and has friends handed to her, just because of someone else she knows.

kyra tries hard to impress both her parents, but mostly ben. but there's no need because he's proud of her for just being alive—both of them—and he tells her. she still feels like she has something to prove; to him and the rest of the world.

the ride to the game is short, and once they park the cars, kyra jumps out and meets with adrian. "you ready?" he asks.

"no. i don't think i'm starting," kyra says as they enter the loud and packed gymnasium. there's people from everywhere here, just to watch team flash play against team hoop. team hoop has both pippen brothers, cassius stanley, and josh. but the team itself is stacked, and they're good.

adrian shrugs. "because bronny is. you'll get your chance one of these days," adrian finds the team and the twins head over to all of them. they greet them and kyra looks around for julian, but she doesn't find him so she sits down next to bronny.

bronny insists that it's not weird between him and kyra, and that nothing has changed, but they both know that things have. it's been two weeks, and they still haven't had a conversation that hasn't felt forced.

"hey," she says, dropping her bag in between her legs. bronny looks up at her as he ties his shoes and gives her a small smile.

"hey. you ready today?" kyra sighs frustratedly.

"i wish people would stop asking me that."

bronny raises his eyebrows. "chill, i'm just asking because it's your first game with us," he finishes lacing up his shoes and sits up, leaning against the bleachers. "but im going to take that as a no."

kyra waves a hand aimlessly through the air. "i don't know. i don't even think coach is going to let me guard scotty. he thinks i'm too weak," kyra admits. bronny shakes his head and starts twisting his hair.

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