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kyras arms burn as she tries to pull her puff up into a bun for the sixth time this morning. she drops the brush and sighs, letting her arms hang loose. "mom!" she yells. "mom! moooooom!"

"who are you yelling at?" amari asks, entering the bathroom. she looks at kyras hair and points to the brush. "let me see it."

"i was calling you in here for help, i didn't know if you heard me," kyra says.

"my room is across the hall, girl," amari has kyra sit on the stool in there so she can reach her head, and then fathers her hair up nicely into a cute puff.

"thank you."

"mhm. we're thinking about leaving in 15?"

"i can't believe they have us playing at 11. that's so early," kyra says. most of their games have been after 12, and sometimes they didn't get home until after 7.

"it's the last game before the championship," amari says with a shrug. so far, the twins' team is 14-1, the one loss being to scottys team. they could've had a perfect record if it weren't for josh christopher.

"and we're going to win."

amari smiles and nods, kissing her on the cheek before leaving the bathroom and going downstairs.

she joins ben on the couch and he puts his legs on her lap. "you're heavy!" amari says, pushing his long legs off.

"you're so mean," ben whines, kicking the side of her thigh with his heel. she slaps his shin and he hisses, dropping his legs onto the floor and sitting upright. "i don't do that to you." he says. amari shrugs and he scoffs.

"you're such a baby!" she says, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling his head down to her chest. he lazily drapes an arm across her legs and sighs against her. "i still love you."


amari pinches him in the side. "don't be an ass," ben rolls his eyes and slides down to lay on her lap. he looks up and her and she gently outlines his face with her knuckles knuckles.

"you do that to me."

"because i can," she states simply. ben rolls his eyes but let's himself enjoy the way she caresses his face. he closes his eyes and amari smiles at him and sighs, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"love you," he says, holding out his hand. she grabs it and they sit like that until the kids come downstairs, ready to go to their game.


adrian, zaire, bronny, and kyra stand at the end of the court, watching the game finish up. whoever wins this one will play the winners of their game. either team is an easy dub.

"yo, if we play them, that's a sweep," adrian comments, taking his airpods out of his ears. bronny nods in agreement and glances at kyra who's eyes are locked on the game. her brain runs through plays she'd do if she was guarding any guard on the team. the winning teams PG is left handed and can only shoot from the free throw line and is her height. she'd force to the right, push him out to the perimeter, or make his go to the bucket and get blocked by julian or donovan. either way, she'd cook him.

"k, why do you look beefy?" zaire says. kyra gives him a weird look and looks down at her crossed arms.

"lowkey," adrian says, squeezing one of her arms. she swats him away and let's her arms hang. kyra never lifted until she started playing on this team. she gets bullied every time she gets in the paint, and ben got tired of seeing that so he made her lift light weights. she'd never had to do that on the girls' teams because she was bigger then anybody anyway.

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