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bronny: come over tomorrow??

bronny: WAKE UP

bronny: HELLO

bronny: man f u 😐

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this is what kyra wakes up to the next morning. her phone has never been this active. she follows everyone back and responds to bronny; saying sorry and that she'll ask.

a knock sounds at her door and she says "come in!" and amari enters. "morning, baby," she says, taking a seat at the end of kyras bed.

"morning, mom. you got your hair done?" she asks, noticing her moms hair done in cornrows.

"mhm. you want your hair done?" she asks. kyra shakes her head and sits up, stretching her limbs. she was sore from yesterday's practice, and had to do that all over again tomorrow. "how was yesterday?"

"good. i'm sore, but i had fun. they're good," kyra says.

"adrian said you were giving them buckets," amari says, a smile on her face. kyra shrugs modestly.

"i passed a lot more than you'd like," she says. amari told her not to pass the ball, but she grew up watching her dad. of course she's going to pass.

"did you play against jr?" amari asks, referring to bronny.

"no, we were on the same team. and julian," she replies. amari nods and smiles at her. "it was super fun." kyra adds, remembering practice.

"good. breakfast is almost ready, by the way," amaris says before getting up. kyra nods and amari leaves.

she walks downstairs and walks up behind ben who is standing in the middle of the hallway on his phone. she kisses the exposed part of his arm and rests her cheek against his back. "hi, baby," he says, putting his hands over hers. "love you."

"love you too," she lets go of him and walks around him to go into the kitchen. he slaps her ass as she walks by and she lets him. after being together for 16 years, some things you just let be. "smells good, lauren." amari says, complimenting their personal chef.

"thank you. you want crepes or french toast?"

amari looks back at ben who has his face wrinkles. "french toast, please."

"you don't like crepes?" amari asks.

"they're nasty. kyra don't like crepes either," he says. "she's really my kid."

a few minutes later, the twins come downstairs. adrian stretches as he walks into the kitchen and hugs his mom. "did you grow overnight?"

"i don't think so," he says, leaning his head on top of hers. "i'm hungry."

"lauren cooked all this food," amari says. they let go of each other and asian goes to sit down at the table with kyra.

"what you finna do today?" adrian asks her, dishing out his plate.

"i'm gonna try to go to bronnys."

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