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"so you haven't talked to him since?" hunter asks, swirling her straw around in her drink and then taking a sip.


hunter scoffs and shakes her head. "why?"

"because i'm still mad at him! he had all that time to plan, but told me the day before i left? who the hell does that?" amari exclaims, ripping off a piece of bread and shoving it in her mouth. this is possibly the longest ben and amari have gone without communicating; it's been four days.

"how do you expect to stay in a happy marriage if you ghost him every time you guys argue?"

amari licks the inside of her jaw and glares at hunter. what she wanted was support, not the truth—at least not right now. "so i'm in the wrong?"

"i didn't say that! he's wrong for what he did, for sure, but you ignoring him isn't helping the situation, girl!" hunter says. amari slumps in her seat and takes a long drink of her water. ben has called and texted her, and she hasn't returned any of his messages. the only thing she said was that she landed in chicago, but other than that it's been quiet on her end.

he's texted her about the city she's in, the results of the game (even though she already knew because she watched), and a good morning and goodnight text, but she hasn't said anything back.

with a sigh, amari responde with, "whatever. maybe later." and hunter laughs and shakes her head at her friends stubbornness.

"you do you, girl," hunter says, just as vanessa and camille up to meet them for their lunch. amari and hunter share a look that says drop it, and stand up to hug camille and vanessa.

it's not that vanessa and camille dont know about ben and amari, she just doesn't need them in her business. with hunter, it's different because she's with zach. the other two don't understand.

"y'all already order?" camille asks, her thick new york accent showing itself as she sits down next to amari. vanessa takes a seat next to hunter and grabs a menu.

"i'm starving, i haven't eaten all day," vanessa says. "i love your outfit, by the way, amari." she compliments, not looking up from the menu.

amari says thank you and smiles, glad that at least someone appreciated it. she looked good, wearing flare, high waisted, army green slacks, a gold, sheer top, and a green bralette underneath and a pair of heels.

the girls chat until they order and then camille brings up work. "i swear, one of these days i'm going to let anderson's ass have it."

"i'm right behind you. he can kiss my ass," amari says, rolling her eyes at the thought of her boss.

"he's fine, though," camille and amari look at vanessa in disbelief, disgust flashing across amaris face.

"you serious?"

"i know you're married, but yes," vanessa says, making amari roll her eyes.

"girl, even if i wasn't, i wouldnt be all over that. i have some self respect," vanessa flips her off and camille raises her palm for a high five, and amari slaps it.

"what does he look like?" hunter asks.


camille and amari crack up, while vanessa sits there with her arms crossed. anderson looked like ryan reynolds, and that wasnt saying much.

"camille, you're just a hater," vanessa mumbles, eating her side salad.

"not a hater, he's just ugly."

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