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jada, daniel, avery, and kyra lay sprawled out in a clump on kyras bed with daniels phone in the middle playing a youtube video.

"i wish you guys could come to cali with me," kyra says.

daniel scoffs. "girl, we are wish we could go to california with you! you think we want to stay in broke ass philadelphia for the summer?" jada nods in agreement.

"i'll be back for my birthday," kyra says.

"don't forget to invite the cute basketball boys!" jada says. it's been all she could talk about, ever since kyra told them that she was going to be playing on adrians team. after that was said, jada and daniel did some digging and jada is obsessed with shaqir. like she'd even talk to him if they were in the same room.

"what if i hate all of them?"

"well don't. we need boyfriends," jada says. kyra rolls her eyes and leans against averys legs. "right, ave?"

"right," she says, her eyes glued on daniels phone, even though she's not paying attention. kyra looks at her as if she's trying to read her mind. she's been quiet all night. "is adrian excited?" she asks, glancing down at kyra.

"i mean, he's not not happy. i don't think he minds," she says. avery nods, a small smile on her face. she feels guilty for talking to her best friends brother, but she can't help it. he's cute and she likes him—and has for the last year. "i'm more excited to see bronny."

daniel smirks at her and she flips him off. "stop it. you know it's not like that."

"i didn't say anything!"

"but you were thinking about it. he's just my friend—one i haven't seen in almost a year," kyra says. daniel waves her off and returns back to the video. all of her friends think that her and bronny should date, and she can't lie, she has thought of him like that, but he's her best friend. and they live too far apart. and he probably doesn't even think of her like that.

"well, julian is single if all else fails," jada says, trying not to roll her eyes. she doesn't like julian at all. he's arrogant.

"he talks to everybody. just imagine him when we get to high school," avery chimes in.

"he's a thot," daniel says. the girls laugh at his comment and avery rolls out from under kyra.

"i'm going to get food, what do you guys want?" she asks. normally, people would be afraid to even mention that they're hungry and somebodies house, and avery is that girl, just not at the simmons residence. she's practically one of them.

"chips and water," kyra says. avery nods and exits her bedroom, leaving the door open behind her.

ben comes out of his bedroom just as avery passes. "whats up, girl?" avery stops and smiles at the tall man.

"hi, mr. simmons," she says politely. ben sighs and puts his hands on his hips and looks at her.

"i told you that you can call me b- ben. i know." she says and he chuckles.

"i don't think my mom would appreciate that, though," she says and they start walking down the stairs. though averys mom is close friends with the twins' parents, she still wants her to be formal.

"well i would! you're making me feel old."

avery looks at him as they descend down the stairs. "with all due respect, sir-" she jokes and he gives her a look that makes her laugh. "i'm just playin." she says. ben sighs and they both walk into the kitchen and avery starts rummaging through the pantry.

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