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rolling their suitcases into their resort, ben leaves them by the door and throws his arm around amaris shoulders and they start touring their vacation home. "i love it here already," amari says as they pass the dining room and enter the kitchen. everything about this home was so modern and sleek.

they tour the living room and then make their way to the master bedroom. "ooh, look at that," amari says, sliding out from underneath ben dropping onto the bed. amari crawls on top of him and supports herself by pressing her palms into his chest. her folds his hands behind his head and licks his lips.

"is it bad that i miss the twins?" she asks. ben sucks his teeth and rolls out from under her.

"amari, i love you and them kids, but don't sit on me like that and bring them up unless you want another set of twins."

"well what if i do?" she retorts.

"don't threaten me with a good time, baby," he says, sitting up and scooting back so his back is pressed against the headboard. amari crawls over to ben and sits in his lap again. "keep looking at me like that and i'll make you a mom of four." he mutters, grabbing her jaw and kissing her. amaris hands fly up and around his neck and she pulls him close.

his hands run underneath her shirt and he pulls it up by the hem. amari pulls away from him and allows him to pull her shirt off, and she sits in a pair of shorts and bralette. "when's the last time we had sex?" he asks, sliding his hands up her back.

"like a month after the twins were born? and that was lousy," amari says. ben scoffs and pulls his shirt off.

"it hasn't been that long. and don't play me like that—i'm never lacking," he says, kissing down her neck. amari whimpers in response, pressing herself against ben. the last time they had sex was not a month after the twins were born, but only a few months ago, but it was still a long time so every touch for amari felt like fire against her skin.

ben kisses down to her chest, his fingers finding her bra clasp and sliding her bra down her arms. he grabs one of his breasts in his mouth and gropes the other. amari throws her head back and drags her nails down his chest. her chest heaves up and down and she leans back and holds onto his legs.

how and when amari ended up on her back, she couldn't pin point. all she could focus on was the way ben felt like he was all the way in stomach and the way her back arched off the bed like a cat.

amari tried to close her legs, but ben forces them back open. "you wanted this shit—take it," he grunts, pushing himself in deeper. amari moans and tries to push at his chest and ben grabs her wrists, holding them above her head.

she struggles to get out his grip, her body feeling like it's on fire. "i-i can't!" she cries as he starts ramming into her at a fast pace. this is she got pregnant the first time.

ben lets go of her wrists and puts his hand around her throat, making her whimper and look up at him in a way that makes him feel out of control. "you know i love you, right?" he groans, grabbing her leg and putting it on his shoulder.

amari grabs his chain and pulls him down, connecting their lips. he pushes his tongue into her mouth and she moans against him, his stokes slowing down. his hips stutter and he releases and she follows suit a few seconds later.

ben pulls out of her and picks her up, sitting her on his lap again. "no," she whines, dropping her head onto his shoulder. he pats her back and lifts her chin.

"come on," he says. she whines again but lifts her hips and sinks down on him, biting the inside of her cheek. "you used to be able to last four rounds—we're barely on two." he states, slapping her ass as she moves up and down on him. he hisses when she does that thing that he likes and throws his head back.

"talk your shit, ben," she pants, holding onto his shoulders and putting in work. amari lets go of one of his shoulders and grabs his chin, forcing him to look at her. he licks his lips. "you got anything else to say?"


"that's what i thought," she lets go of him completely, leans back and places her hands on his thighs. ben bites his lip as he watches her, feeling like he could give her more kids if he wanted to; but they had two and they were already a lot as is.

"shit, amari," he groans, grabbing her hips and lifting her up and down. they come for the second time and amari falls into his chest. ben holds her close, wiping her hair out of her face.

after she regains her breath, she rolls off of him and stretches. "where are you going?" he asks, reaching out for her like baby.

"i don't know about you, but i'm going swimming."


amari ties her mesh swim coverup around her waist, knotting it on her hip when it the fabric comes together. she walks up the sand and to ben, who was leaned back on his elbows, his eyes raking over her body as she approaches.

she sinks down to her knees next to him and he looks up at her. "you're just going to sit in the sun all day?" she questions, pushing the brim of his bucket hat up so she can see his face.

"you told me we'd get divorced if i splashed you," he replies, pulling his hat back down. amari rolls her eyes and leans down and kisses him, putting a hand on his chest for support. ben slides his hand down to her ass and she pulls apart. "what?" he asks, his hand still resting on her ass.

"don't get me started," she warns. he sucks his teeth and pulls her by the hips onto him. she lets out a yelp as she falls onto him, laughing once he tickles her sides. she grabs him by the wrists, pulling his hands away from her sides and pins them by his head. he raises an eyebrow at her and she sits all the way up. amari intertwines their fingers and sighs. "love you."

"i love you too," he goes in to kiss her, but she stops him as a server comes by with their drinks.

"for the lady," he says, handing amari her alcohol. "and for you." he says to ben, handing him his drink. the two of them thank him and he nods, walking back to the bar.

"we need to tip him before we go," amari says, crawling off of ben and taking a sip of her drink. she goes into their bag and pulls out his wallet and a stack of pesos, grabbing 6 '100' bills and putting the rest back. "do you think this is enough?" she asks.

ben shrugs and takes a sip of his drink. they did a money conversion at the airport and just got as much as they felt necessary. "should i double it?" she asks, reopening his wallet and taking out 6 more '100' bills. she tosses his wallet back in the bag and slides the money into bens shorts pocket, her hand brushing against his crotch. amari winks at him and leans back, enjoying her drink and the dominican sands.

after two hours in the sun and 6 drinks later, ben and amari stumble over to the bar and hand the bartender more pesos than they agreed upon, and the bartender gratefully takes it, thanking them several times. amari and ben give him drunken smiles and then leave the beach.

"i'm so hungry," amari giggles, wrapping her arms around bens torso and resting her face against his bare chest. he's not as drunk as amari, but he feels just as loose.

ben holds them upright as they walk past the resort and towards the city around them. amari gasps, and looks up at ben. "what?"

"we can have sex everyday! no kids!" she says, a big, lopsided smile on her face. ben laughs and shakes his head at the fact that she's this wasted.

"i know," he says, giggling as she kisses his collarbone.

the two of them stumble onto the busy streets of santo domingo, and amari lets go of ben and starts to walk in the direction of a restaurant, but she nearly falls and ben catches her. amari laughs as he catches her by the waist. "let me get on your back!" she slurs, pulling out of his grip.

ben gets into a squat and she jumps onto his back. he carries her and smiles to himself.

second day of being married? they'd say that it's going pretty well.

°°° °°°

A/N: honeymoon time luvs. also smut is not the wave i hate writing it bc idk how.. ANYWAY

thank you for the support! it means so much!

excuse any mistakes.

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