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"we need to stop drinking," amari states,mas ben and her sit down to eat their breakfast that was just delivered. the amount of alcohol they've consumed on this trip has been more than they've consumed in the last year and a half. but they were free of kids and had the time.

ben pours them each a glass of champagne. "i know, right," he says. they clink glasses before taking generous sips. "we'll stop tomorrow."

"we go home tomorrow."


amari cuts into her waffle that is covered in syrup and takes a bite, adding pieces of fruit as she goes. she sighs and leans her head back, looking up at the light fixture on the ceiling. "i'm going to miss it here," she says, thinking out loud.

"i miss the twins, but it feels good to get away and get you to myself," he says, gently kicking her under the table. amari puts her legs in his lap and he massages her calves.

"you think they're being good?"

ben shrugs. "yeah. adrian probably cried for three nights—you know he's a mamas boy," ben says. amari smirks and takes another bite of her food. adrian is such a mamas boy; he can't be away from her for too long without freaking out. kyra is like that with both of them, but mainly ben.

"just like you," amari says. ben nods in agreement and eats some of his food and then takes a drink of champagne.

after they eat, they go to change into their swimsuits. amari stands in the mirror and ties the back of her pink, string bikini. running a comb through her new orange lace front, she smoothes it down and then wraps a silk rag around her head. ben open the bathroom door and slaps her ass as he slides next to her. "ow," amari says, pushing him in his shoulder.

"that didn't hurt," he says, leaning into the mirror and checking himself out.

"yes it did."

ben rolls his eyes and slides a couple chains on over his head and leans against the counter and look at amari as she fixes her her bathing suit. "what?" she asks, looking at him through the mirror. the corner of his mouth turn up and he grabs her by the hope and pulls her in between his legs. "hmm?" she puts her hands on his chest and looks up at him.

"i like the orange," he says, picking up a strand of her hair. ben looks down at her and she stands on her tippy toes and leans up to kiss him. he puts one hand on the small of her back and pulls her closer to him. amari slides her hands up and down his chest and toys with his necklaces. "come on." he says, slapping her ass again. amari flips him off and exits the bathroom, grabbing her cover up before she exits the room.

ben waits for her to come out of the room grabs her by the hips again and throws her over his shoulder. she yelps, but she doesn't fight it and lets him carry her outside.

he sets her down and rears his hand back to slap her ass again, but she quickly turns and cocks her fist back, making him hold his hands up in surrender. "i'm just playing," he says. amari sucks her teeth and drops her cover onto a poolside chair.

ben gets into the pool and amari follows. she swims over to him and he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. "love you," he says.


"don't be like that," he says, gently splashing her back with water.

"don't start," she retorts, grabbing his chin in her hands. "but i love you too." she kisses him, and ben being ben escalates it quickly.

he holds onto the back of her neck with one hand and starts to pull the strings of her bathing suit loose. "we can't have sex in the poo."

"who said?"

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