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6 months later

avery sits on adrians bed, her arms crossed and a glare settled on her face. adrian sucks his teeth and looks at her. "yo, what are you mad for?"

avery rolls her eyes and keeps her arms crossed as she looks at adrian and says, "you know why i'm mad."

"see, this is what we're not about to do, avery," adrian says, sighing. she scoffs and turns away from him and adrian rolls his eyes. this is their third argument this week alone about, in adrians eyes, stupid shit. "i don't know why you're acting like this when we just celebrated two years."

"acting like what? girls are all under your instagram and you expect me to be okay with that?" she asks, arms now uncrossed and in front of her. recently, adrian got a lot of exposure for having 6 dunks in a high school game and ending that same game with 50 points. everything, especially his following, in creased by the hundred thousands, and so did the number of girls underneath his instagram.

"bro, did you not just hear a word i just said? we've been together for two years, i am not checking for nobody else but you," he says, rolling his eyes. and ever since adrian became more "famous", avery has gotten insecure about their relationship and whenever adrian tells her that he only wants her (the truth) it pacifies her for the time being.

like right now. a small smile forms on averys face and adrian shakes his head. "see. mad for nothing," he says. adrian opens his arms and motions for avery to come to him. she slides over to him and he pulls her head down onto his chest. "you need to stop getting worked up over nothing. everyday i tell you that you have nothing to worry about." he runs his hand over her braids and avery sighs.

"yeah but, things like that make me worry," she says, looking up at him. adrian sucks his teeth and runs a hand over his face. two years of being together, and she starts to act like this now out of all times.

"i swear that youre not listening to a single thing i've just said," adrian sits up, letting go of avery and rolls off of his bed.

"where are you going?" avery asks, sitting up and leaning against his headboard.

adrian picks up his ps4 controller and waves it in the air and plops down into his gaming chair. this earns another eye roll from avery and she crosses her arms over her chest as she watches him turn on his ps4 and start his game.

adrian grabs his headset and puts it on over his head and texts his friends to get on fortnite. he glances up at the TV and sees averys expression through the reflection and spins around. "chill out," he says before spinning back around.

avery flips the back of his head off before getting up and leaving his room to go find kyra. she walks down the hall towards kyras room and knocks on her closed door.

whatever talkong was going on before abruptly stops and avery furrows her eyebrows. "come in!" kyra says, expecting it to be one of her parents.

kyra mutes herself on facetime and puts her phone face down in her lap as the door opens. a wave of relief washes over her as avery emerges, and then confusion follows. "what are you doing in here?"

"what is wrong with both of you today?" avery sighs, taking a seat on the edge of kyras bed.

"i didn't mean it like that. why aren't you with my brother?" kyra asks, clutching her phone in her lap. avery shrugs and flips her long braids over her shoulders.

"he's being a dick," is all she says. kyra nods, not wanting to get in the middle of their mess. one thing she told both of them after she came to terms with them dating, is that she would not be the middleman in their problems and that she refused to get involved. so far, it's worked. "but who were you on the phone with?" avery asks, nodding at kyras hands.

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