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though the twins have been in school for a few days, amari is still anxious. once they get through the week, she'll relax, but until then, it's stress through the roof.

"relax," ben says, throwing his legs across amaris lap and stopping her from bouncing her legs.

"i can't."

"you need to," ben says. she rolls her eyes and he lifts his leg up to try to put his foot in her face. she slaps his calf and he drops his heavy leg in her lap. "you're mean!" he whines.

"i don't care," she says. he sucks his teeth and kicks her leg. she slaps his shin and he kicks her again. "stop playing with me before you end up hurt." she warns. he kicks her again and she throws his legs off of her. jumping on top of him, they wrestle until they end up at the other end of the couch, ben now on top of amari.

he looks down at her, his chains dangling in her face. ben moves one hand to her throat and leans down and kisses her. she whimpers against her lips, but puts her knee into his chest and pushes him away. "what?"

"we can't. what if the school calls?" amari asks. ben rolls his eyes and drags his hand down from her throat, to her stomach, and down to her thighs. she instinctively pushes his legs together and he licks his lip, a smirk on his face.

"if the school calls, we'll answer," he says, leaning down and kissing her neck while dragging his fingers along her thighs. her hands fly up to his back and she pulls him towards her.

"but- shh," he says, pulling one of her legs up on his hip. she holds onto the back of his neck as her kisses along her jaw and neck. he sits up and pulls her shirt off over her head, leaving her in a bra and shorts. ben runs his thumb over her bottom lip and she wraps her lips around it. he licks his lips and watches her, his arousal increasing by the second.

amari pulls his thumb out of her mouth and leans back onto her elbows, looking up at him. ben takes off his shirt and tosses it onto the floor and leans back down to kiss her, parting her legs and settling in between them.

his boner pokes her thigh and she presses her middle against him. she pushes him down and sits on top of him, taking control of the moment. ben unbuttons her shorts and helps her slide out of them. "tell me what you want, mama," he says, his voice low. amari licks her lips and glances down at her wedding ring.

being together for six years, but there's one thing that they've never done that amari has always wanted to try: face riding.

she rubs her hands across his chest and toys with his necklaces. "talk to me," he says.

ten minutes later, amari hovers over bens mouth, holding onto their headboard. he pulls her hips down to his mouth and she gasps as she feels his tongue plunge into her. "ben," she whimpers.

she moans loudly as he works his magic on her, gripping her hips tightly to keep her in place. amari tries to lift herself off of him, but he holds her in place. when she tried to clamp her thighs around his head, he forces her legs open.

amari releases and ben licks up everything. she pants and her legs shake as his tongue runs over her folds. he pulls her off of him and she falls face first into the bed. "what i tell you about running?" he asks, sitting up and pulling her up along with him.

amari waves him off and he grabs her by the throat, not too roughly, and pins her into the bed. she looks up at him, a small smile on her face. "you like that shit, huh?" amari nods and sticks out her tongue, waiting. "so nasty." he mumbles before sticking out his tongue and letting the spit drop into her mouth.

amari swallows it and ben shakes his head at her. she reaches out towards his crotch and he looks down at her hand. "you want it?" amari nods. "beg for it."

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