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sliding her tennis bracelet over her wrist, amari moves it so it reflects the light and bounces off the mirror. on her neck sits a diamond choker, along with matching diamond drop earrings.

a chill runs up her spine, due to the open back of her dress. its a form fitting, floor length dress, long sleeved, velvet dress that goes up to her neck in the front, but opens up completely in the back and stops right above her ass. her hair is slung over her shoulder in a braid that comes down to her hip. turning around in the mirror, amari cranes her neck to look at her backside, making sure that that she isn't showing more than intended.

the sound of her phone ringing echoes off the walls of the marble bathroom, making her jump at the loudness. she breathes a sigh of relief when the caller id says nia. "hello?"

"hey, girl, have you left yet?" nia asks. amari can hear the sound of the engine from the car. technically, she was late if nia was leaving before her.

"no. he ain't here yet," amari says, leaning into the mirror to check her makeup. she dabs at her lips with her ring finger and then wipes it on a towel. "he should be here soon, though. if i knew he was going to be late, i would've left with y'all." she mumbles, earning a laugh from kemba. it's not everyday that nia is ever on time—her wedding was the one exception.

"well, just let me know when you're on the way. K and I will save y'all a seat," nia says. amari says okay, and the two women hang up. exiting the penthouse bathroom, amari re-enters her room and goes to the closet to grab a pair of heels.

pulling up her dress and sliding her feet into the diamond encrusted jimmy choo heels that she received as a gift a few years ago, her look becomes complete. the diamonds on her feet, wrists, neck, and ears reflect off the light and onto the room, creating nice glares of light on the ceiling.

a few moments later, her phone rings, and she knows it him before looking at the caller id. "hey, sorry i'm late. but i'm outside," he says before she gets a chance to say anything.

"i'll be out in a second," she says and then hangs up. amari grabs her clutch and and her other belongings. exiting her room, she turns off all of the lights before heading for the door.

turning off the last light, amari opens the door, onlt for him to be standing behind it, red roses in hand. glancing down at the flowers, a small smirk plays on her lips. "no way," she mutters, taking them from him and turning back around. he chuckles and follows her inside and leans against the wall. he crosses his arms across his chest as she finds a vase for the flowers. "you didnt have to." she says, glancing at him over her shoulder.

his eyes scan her backside. "what kind of date would i be if didnt?" he asks.

"touché. you ready?" she asks, striding back over to him. he nods and pushes himself off of the wall. amari reaches him and gives him a once over, straightening out his blazer and adjusting his tie. she looks up at him with a small smile but quickly turns her head before he gets the chance to think about kissing her.

the two of them leaver her penthouse that over looks the city, hand in hand. he gently strokes the back of her hand with his thumb, making her feel calm and less nervous than she was just moments before he arrived.

anthony pulls the door to the black SUV open and amari slides in the back, the tall man following suit. he gives the driver instructions to the banquet and rests his hand on her knee.

there's a banquet, here in chicago, for players signed with a specific agency, that he happens to be apart of. it's a formal event, hence their attire. each player was granted a plus one, and he chose her, to which she gratefully accepted. she liked anthony, and doesn't mind just messing around with him. besides, neither of them are looking for anything serious.

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