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ben backs out of the driveway and follows the GPS to the location winnie sent kyra. "you want me and dre to stay with you, or are you good alone?" he asks kyra, looking at her through the rear view.

"i'm fine," she says. kyra has her first mock shoot with winnie today, but she's making it feel real by bringing in a stylist, a real photographer, makeup artists, and other models for extra tips. amari can't be there because she had prearranged plans, but the boys can.

"you sure? let me get in a few flicks," adrian says, trying to make kyra laugh. she gives him a small smile and shakes his head.

"the camera don't love you like that," she says.


"the camera doesn't deserve that kind of torture," kyra says. adrain take gasps and ben shakes his head at his children. "but honestly, i think i'll be okay. i know winnie, i'm not worried about the other people anyway."

"we'll be close by, in case you need to get up out of there," ben says. kyra nods and pulls out her phone to go on instagram. she scrolls aimlessly, liking pictures and commenting on pictures posted by her friends.

"when does mom come back again?" adrian asks.

"two days, why? you hate it already?" ben says, glancing at his son.

"no, i was just wondering. it's weird not having her around, though," amari is easily the most present parent out of the two. she rarely misses big things, and is upset that she can't be there for kyra today, but she's old enough to go on alone and it's winnie.

ben nods and turns down the road to the studio winnie sent them to. he parks and the three of them get out and walk into the studio. it's loud and there are tons of people running around, but winnie spots they immediately. "hey, pretty!" she shouts, quickly making her way towards kyra.

they hug and when they pull away, winnie has to look up at the teenager. kyra towers over winnie, even though winnie is 5'10 herself. "hi, thank you for having me," kyra says politely.

"of course! are you ready?" winnie asks. kyra nods and before they start walking over to meet everyone, winnie says hello to adrian and ben. "no mrs today?" she asks ben.

"nope, not today," he says. winnie fake pouts and grabs kyras hand to lead her to meet the crew.

ben and adrian trail behind, looking at all of the people around them. a lot of women walk around, talking into walkie-talkies or carrying clipboards. adrian gawks at a few models sitting in makeup chairs, and ben hits him on the back of his head. "we ain't come here for all of that," he says.

adrian rubs the spot that ben hit and mugs him. "you could've said that."

"no, because you would've kept doing it. gotta get you in the beginning so you won't do it again," ben shrugs. adrian sucks his teeth and shakes his head.

"crazy," adrian mumbles.

"you do that when your mothers around?"

"no, but you're different," adrian says. ben lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

"you act like i'm not married to your mom," ben says, throwing his arm around adrian. they're only four inches apart now, making adrian almost too tall to put his arm around.

winnie stops kyra in front of a makeup artist and introduces her. the girl, tina, gives her a warm smile and shakes her hand. "tina is the best and never has me looking crazy, so you're in good hands," winnie compliments, making tina shake her head. kyra smiles and looks around, taking everything in.

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