Secrets (Niall Horan)

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"Mom I have to do a stupid thing about where are family originated and a family tree from like way back in the 1800's" I said slouching down on the couch.

"Really? Your teacher is giving you a big assignment when you have three days of school left?" She asked and I just nodded my head.

"I'll call your grandma and see what we can dig up" she said leaving the living room.

I guess I should introduce myself a little bit. My name is Hannah and I am from a little town in Michigan. My dad left my mother when I was born, I never even met him. I am a only child and yeah, I'm a bit spoiled. But it's not much more than normal kids cuz my mom is saving up for me to go to college. Which reminds me… I'm going to be graduated in three day from my high school! Yayaya! I have dark brown curly hair and I'm average height. I'm just an average girl. There's one thing I love about my body. It's my eyes, there a piercing green color and they do change lighter and darker sometimes. It's weird, but I love them.

"Well grandmas ancestors came from Ireland. She went and got her family tree and here's a list that we have from the way beginning of our family" my mom said handing me a list with names on it.

"Thanks mom, I need dads side to" I said quietly, talking about my father was a real touchy subject with my mom. All I know was he had been cheating on my mom with another woman, kind of. He had like two families I guess. His name is Des. That's all I know, sad huh?

"We'll your just gonna have to explain to your teacher" she said standing up and leaving the room. Great. How embarrassing is THAT gonna be, 'hi teacher my dad left my family when I was a baby and I've never met him. So I can only do half of this project' No, I will fail and I'm almost failing his class so I can't do that! Maybe there's stuff in the attic?

I slowly got off the couch and walked upstairs. I entered the attic and I was hit with a burst of hot, dusty air. I slowly walked in farther. There were boxes and boxes of stuff. I started pulling stuff out if boxes and when there was nothing to do with my father I put it back in the box and moved onto the next one. Finally, way in the back was a box that had my mothers and fathers marriage certificate that was ripped in half, the weird thing was that the other half was missing. There was only his half, My dads name was Des Styles. I've heard that last name before. I just can't put my finger on where I've heard it before. I heard my mother wondering around upstairs so I quickly and quietly ran out of the room and to my bedroom. I got my laptop and went to one of them websites that helps you find your family's ancestors. I finished my project and was about to shut my laptop off when I noticed something odd.

It said I was the daughter of Des and Anne Styles.

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