Chapter 14

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Harry's POV    

*ding dong*

That's ironic. Me and Niall were just talking about Simon coming over. I ran downstairs and answered the door. It WAS Simon! That's weird, really weird.

"So you heard?" I asked and Simon nodded his head. I let Simon in the house and we talked in the kitchen.

"So what happened?" Simon asked right after we sat down at the table.

"We went to the mall, Niall and Hannah were in the food court being all lovey dovey. I was in Hollister when a group of girls started talking to me. We were talking and a large crowd had gathered. I walked out and they began chasing me. I called Louis and had him and tell the other boys to go to the suburban. I was calling Hannah and she told me they were in the food court. I ran in their hoping to get away from the girls but it didn't work so us three all ran out the exit. This one girl was right on our heels while the other were falling behind. She must've tripped Hannah, but me and Niall didn't notice until a long while later because we were focused and everything. Once we noticed we ran back to her and I seem one girl kicking Hannah repeatedly. I grabbed the girl and pushed her off from Hannah... She did hit the wall but not hard! Even a girl could've handled it. And then Paul took her back to the suburban and we came back here."

"Can we go look at her?" Simon asked and I nodded my head yes. We walked into Hannah's room to find Zayn applying a cloth to her forehead. We both gave him a confused look.

"I'm regulating the cold cloths, she was a bit warm when I came in here. She's running a bit of a fever" Zayn said holding up the thermometer.

"Thanks Zayn" I said, Zayn just nodded and walked out of the room.

"Shouldn't she be in a hospital?" Simon asked taking off his sunglasses and looking at her.

"Paul said if she doesn't wake up after an hour we'd take her, he didn't want to cuz that'd cause a big fuss" I said shoving my fists in my jean pockets.

"Well I'm gonna go make a few phone calls, see ya later Harry." Simon said leaving the house. I just sat down in the bean bag chair and watched Hannah.

"Please wake up" I whispered. 10 minutes passed and her eye lids fluttered open.

"Hannah!" I said jumping up and running next to her.

"I had a really bad dream" she said rubbing her head.

"About?" I asked curiously

"All the fans hated me and beat me up" she said, my eyes went wide but I quickly forced them back to normal.

"It really happened?" She asked as her eyes went wide.

"Yes, It's all my fault! If I was paying more attention to you, like i should've been, they wouldn't have hurt you" I said. I felt like the worst brother in the world!

"Harry how is any of this your fault? I just wasn't faster than that girl, and she tripped me." Hannah said shrugging her shoulders carelessly. "I just don't understand why they hate me? What did I ever do to them?" 

"You didn't do anything, those are pathetic girls! Don't worry, there are some really sweet girls out there who adore you and niall! This girl started a hashtag on twitter that said '#weloveyouhannah' and its trending worldwide" I said looking at my phone again.

"Really? They don't act like it.' she said coldly.

"I promise you, not all of our fans are terrible people, just that group." I smiled at her. She just loudly sighed.

"Actually there all jealous of you Hannah, your dating Niall and they all want to date him."  I said honestly. That's the only reason there acting the way they are. They all loved her when she was just 'Harry Style's sister'

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