Chapter 5

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Hannah's POV  

When you get on the bus there's a little kitchen thing and then walking down the bus they boys bed are built into the wall and then to the right is a bathroom, to the left is my bedroom. And in the back is a place where there a TV, couches and an X Box. It was pretty awesome! We all had are clothes and everything settled on the bus. We just left the house and we were driving.   "Let's go play black ops!" Niall said and we all followed him to the back of the bus. Zayn and Niall were playing black ops, I was sitting on the couch between Harry and Louis texting josh. Liam was sitting on the other couch.  

"Who are you texting so much?" Harry asked curiously.

"Umm my boyfriend" I said cautiously. I wasn't sure how Harry would react. Harry nodded and returned his attention back to his laptop.   A few moments later Harry said

"Your dating him?! He's a real piece of work." I looked at the laptop and he was on Josh's Facebook profile.

"Wow you don't even know him!" I said glaring at Harry.

"He looks like bloody fool!" Harry said pointing at the screen.

"You look like a blood fool" I mimicked in an annoying high pitched voice.

"I'm dressed like a normal guy!" Harry said looking down at his clothes.

"Oh puh-lease you shouldn't be wearing such baggy pants with a nice blazer, you should also be wearing clean shoes, not the dirty ones you have on" I said, if there's one thing I have, it's a sense of fashion.

"You should be wearing jeans or something, not sweat pants, you should have on a blouse not a baggy t-shirt, and can't you TRY to do your hair?" Harry asked. Wow that kind of stung.

"Your right, I should go dress up." I said standing up and leaving the room. I went into my room and pulled open my drawers. I grabbed the shortest pair of shorts I owned, I grabbed my pink victories low cut shirt that I usually wear a tank underneath except I'm not this time. I pulled all the clothes on and turned on my hair straightener. Waiting for it to heat up I decided to do my make up. I caked on the eye shadow, eye liner and mascara. When I was finished I began to do my hair, once it was pin straight I unplugged it and found my stiletto heels. I pulled them on and walked back out there.

"Is THIS how you want me dress?" I asked sweetly. All eyes were on me except mine were only on my brothers who looked a bit pissed.

"Yup" Harry said with a sly smirk on his face. My smile quickly faded. "I want to see you walk around for a day wearing that" Harry added. Damn it, this whole plan backfired in my face.

"Fine" I said, two can play at this game.  

"PEETE CAN WE STOP AT THE NEXT MALL?!" Harry yelled at the driver

"Sure thing sir" was all he said in return. Within five minutes we were at a mall. We all slowly walked off the bus.

"I think this is going to be hilarious! I'm recording it" was what Niall said. I was walking ahead of them all and they laughed at the strange looks I was getting from the old people in the parking lot. We walked into the mall and I couldn't help but smile hugely as we walked in. I don't know what we were trying to accomplish by doing this, probably just humiliation for me. We walked down the isles and I actually spotted a cute top in Hollister. I walked in and began to search for my size.

"Hey" I heard a deep voice ask from behind me. I turned around to see a guy, bout my age looking right at me, where are the damn boys at.

"Hi" I said continuing to look at the top.

"Are you from around here?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Nope, I'm from america, I'm here with my brother visiting some family" I said backing up a little.

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