Chapter 7

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"YOU GAVE HER MY CARROTS?!" Was the first thing I woke up to. Soon my door flung open and in walked to people.

"She wanted them so I gave them to her" Niall grumbled.

"It's alright then" Louis said dropping the subject. I felt the empty bag being taken from my grasp.

"Niall what's wrong mate?" Louis asked

"How come if Hannah eats your carrots it's fine but when I do it's like World War III!" Niall said and I felt the end of my bed dip down where he sat.

"You know why" Louis said, I heard footsteps leave the room.

"If only you knew" I head Niall say.

"If only I knew what Niall?" I asked. I turned around and sat up looking at the Irish lad. His hair was messed up a lot and he was only wearing boxers.

"Why will louis share his carrots with me and nobody else?" I asked again.

"Ask him" Niall said running his hands through his hair, it got stuck so He pulled his fingers out and left it.

"Alrighty" I said getting off the bed and walking into the kitchen where Louis was standing above the toaster waiting for his food to pop out. He was also standing there in only his boxers. I sat down at the table and Louis did to with his pop tarts.

"So why do you share your carrots with me and nobody else?" I asked right away. Louis eyes got wide and he stared at his food and then around the room.

"Well, I umm- because" Louis stuttered trying to find the right words to say.

"Is it because I'm a girl?" I asked raising my left eyebrow.

"Yeah." Louis said looking a bit relieved. He ate his pop tart and my eyes kept going to his defined abs. What is wrong with me?! I covered my eyes with my hands, forcing them not to look at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Why are you covering your eyes?" Louis asked slowly pulling my hands down to the table. I just looked at my hands.

"Just cause" I said slowly.

"You even talk like Harry!" Louis said with a mouthful of pop tart.

"What?" I asked as my head shot up and our eyes connected.

"You both talk slow, but it's kinda cute" Louis said but quickly then added "not in like a sexual way" "Suuurrreee" I said winking at him. I was kidding but Louis blushed! Which then made me blush! Niall then exited my room obnoxiously coughing. It's was so fake and both Louis and i knew that.

"Nice entrance" I said a smirk playing on my lips.

"I didn't want it to be awkward because you two were... Ya know" Niall said looking in the fridge for food.

"We were just talking" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"It was totally flirting" Niall said not even looking back at us, he was more concentrated on his food.

"Not really mate" Louis said. Niall turned around and kneeled at the end of the table, looking at me.

"They way you talk is just SO cute! I just love you so much Ahh!" Niall said to me in a girls voice.  

"Umm Niall?" I heard Harry's voice which made me look up to see him rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah mate?" He asked, all of us were looking up at Harry.

"I would normally be pissed at you for trying to flirt with my sister but let me give you some advice... Don't do that, chicks don't dig it" Harry said which caused me and Louis to burst out laughing.

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