Chapter 3

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"And finally, my bedroom, where me and Harry make love every night!" Louis said proudly.

"Your gay!?" I asked shocked. He didn't seem gay.

"I don't seem gay to you?" Louis asked me, he seemed a bit shocked.

"No! Well you didn't…" I began but soon Louis ran down the stairs, I followed him.

"I LOVE YOUR SISTER!!! SHE'S AWESOME!" Louis was shouting, at first Harry seemed upset but then He relaxed a bit.


"She didn't think I was gay!" Louis said jumping up and down.

"He doesn't give you a gay vibe?" Liam asked looking at me.

"No, skinny jeans are in style, he's just wearing a t-shirt, and some Toms.... He's the most stylist one in here I think" I said letting my hands fall loosely at my sides. Louis jaw literally dropped and he gave me the biggest hug ever! He picked me up and spun me around in a circle before letting my feet return to the ground.

"Your my favorite at person ever!!" Louis exclaimed

"Aww thanks" I said grinning. I was glad I could get along with them.

"She really is your sister" I heard Niall say.

"Niall that was just a misunderstanding!" I said not wanting them to hear about my dirty mind. I sat on the couch next to my brother again and Louis sat next to me.

"So she was begging me to tell her where I am taking her tomorrow.. And I said 'get on your knees' to like beg-" Niall was cut off by Harry. "You didn't do that! Did you! First of all I wouldn't allow it AND your in public for crying out loud!" Harry said all fatherly like.

"MY POINT PROVEN!" Niall threw his hands in the air. We all laughed.  As we all calmed down Zayn finally spoke up. "So I noticed you only brought one suitcase full of clothes"

"Yeah? How much clothes do I need?" I asked.

"Well more than that! C'mon we need some Zayn and Hannah bonding time!" Zayn said.

"Why don't we all come? I haven't really got to spend much time with her" Harry said standing up Zayn just gave him a look and he sat back down.

"Whatever, have fun" Harry sighed. I felt bad because I wanted to talk to my brother to, and I wanted to talk about our mother too. We walked out the door and got in a car, it was black and a very nice car. I'm not sure what kind it was though, I'm not into cars much. As soon as he started the car my phone started blaring Ed Sheeran again. Zayn laughed a little as I answered

"Hey" I said knowing it was my best friend from back in the US.

"So who is your brother?" She asked excited.

"His names Harry, my moms name is Anne" I was cut off by her squealing. "I KNEW it! I told you! You had to be related to him because you also sing like an angel!!" She kept going on and on.

"MICHELLE!" I yelled for her to shut up.

"Sorry it's just... Your brothers FINE" she said. And I laughed. "Whatever, I gotta go though, it's Zayn and Hannah bonding time" I said laughing at zayns silly face he was making at me

"Zayn MALIK?!" She asked


"OMYGOSH!!" She yelled

"Michelle, gotta go, bye!"

"Bye"   Then I hung up and slid the thin IPhone back in my pocket.

"Your friends a fan?" Zayn asked "Yeah, she always talks about you guys, I usually tune her out when she does though." I shrugged and Zayn laughed.

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