Chapter 9

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I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shinning through the window. It seemed pretty picturesque. Like the way girls wake up in movies, ya know? I slid out of my bed and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and body. I quickly dried off and put my under garments on. I walked back in my room and threw on my favorite 'HIPSTA PLEASE' shirt. Me and Harry had matching ones. I threw on black Soffee shorts and walked downstairs.

I noticed a note on the kitchen island countertop.  

'Dear Hannah, We are going to an interview and we will be back at noon -Harry'

I looked at the clock and noticed it was 11:45 AM. So they'll be back soon. I walked in front of the refrigerator and pulled the door open. Nothing seemed good to eat until I seen the cake sitting on the counter. I grabbed a fork and a plate. I took the biggest piece and ran upstairs. I sat my laptop on my bed and turned it on. As my laptop was loading I took a bite of the chocolate goodness. Mmmm triple chocolate fudge cake with chocolate frosting! What could be better?! Once my piece was finished I decided I wanted more so I took my plate down in the kitchen and sat it in the sink. I grabbed the whole cake dish and ran back up to my room. After I finished the third piece I sat everything on the floor and laid on my bed. Gosh I feel super fat right now. I pulled up my shirt just under my bra and looked down at my stomach. Yupp I am fat to. I was poking my stomach when Niall walked in, I guess they were back.

"What in the world are you doing?" He asked smiling.

"I just at three pieces of cake Niall what do you think I'm doing?" I said looking at him and down at my stomach.

"Ohh gosh your not fat" it was like he could read my mind and said the opposite of what I was thinking. I just stared up at him and then back to my stomach


"He's still hungry" I said talking about my stomach

"Then we must feed him!" Niall said grabbing the cake and my fork

"But I know I'm just gonna gain like 40 pounds so I can't listen to him" I said.

"Please you need more meat on your bones!" Niall said shoving the cake up by my face.

"I guess I should listen to Niall Horan, he's a smart guy" I said eating another piece of cake. Now I'm definitely gonna look like pregnant!

"Niall I ate 3/4 of a cake!! I'm so fat" I said sitting up on my bed. Looking over at Niall who just shook his head no.

"But it was delicious, thank you for making it" I said giving him a side hug.

"Anytime babe" There was a knock on the door and I let go of Niall.

"Come in" I chirped. Harry entered my room and gently shut the door.

"We're you serious about us leaving cuz we will if that's what you truly want" he said.

"You all can stay, I just don't want anymore fighting" I said motherly like.

"Ok, another thing, why didn't you accept Louis apology?" Harry asked looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Because it wasn't a true apology. He scribbled sorry on a piece if paper and slid it under my door" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh alrighty, I'll talk to him" Harry said.

"No you don't have to, I don't care if he hates me" I lied and I could see Niall had a smirk on his face.

"No I don't want you two fighting either" Harry said then he gave me a confused look. "Why's your shirt pulled up?"

"Cuz I was admiring my fatness" I said

"Your NOT fat!" Harry said and left the room.

"You guys only say that cuz you have to, if I go ask Zayn he'd say I was fat cuz he is always honest to me.. Why can't you be honest?" I asked jokingly.

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