Chapter 6

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[A/N the beginning is a dream just so you don't get confused :)  Tildxx ]   

"GET AWAY!" I said running away from the giant monster that was chasing me down the familiar street. All the monster did was groan as it continued to chase me. Hey there's Josh's house! I ran up and pounded on the door but there was no answer. I seen his light on so I let myself in. I walked up the stairs calling his name. I slowly opened his door to see a clown stabbing him to death! I immediately broke out in tears. The evil clown turned around and ran after me! I ran back down the stairs and out his back door, I tripped over a rock. I turned around and there was the clown and the evil green monster. I screamed at the top of my lungs before everything vanished.

I sat up quickly in my bed and looked around. Thank god I was still on the bus in my room. I could feel my heart racing and I could feel sweat droplets forming on the back of my neck. Niall ran in my room with a bag full of... carrots?  

"Are you alright?" He asked flicking on the lights.

"Yeah" I said squinting, my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light.

"Well you were screaming and I was eating carrots so I came to check on you." Niall said popping another baby carrot in his mouth.

"Bad dream" I said looking at my phone. I quickly sent josh a text:  

To: my amazing Boyfriend <3

'Hey babe ;) How's things back at home?'

  "Ok well I'm gonna go back to bed" Niall said watching me and slowly backing out of my room slowly.

"Wait, give me the carrots!" I said and Niall frowned.

"But I want them" Niall frowned.

"Okay" I said looking back at my phone as it vibrated.  

From: my amazing boyfriend <3

'Jesus Christ Hannah it's 1AM over here! Be a little considerate would ya? We can't all go off and live a perfect life with our popster brother -.- '

 My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. "Shit" I mumbled while rapidly typing back.  

To: my amazing boyfriend <3

'Your right, I'm so sorry I wasn't even thinking. Im a terrible girlfriend… I just had a really bad dream. I hope you forgive me? ;) love you'

  I sent it but Niall quickly grabbed my phone and canceled the message.

"Hey!" I said trying to snatch it back. But Niall held it out of my reach.

"Why the bloody hell are you dating this cunt?" Niall asked calmly.

"Because I love him." I said looking at Niall and then To my phone.

"Hannah, this guy should LOVE it when you text him not complain on the time of day! He's a bloody fool and I really don't think you should date him! He's a player and I- I don't approve" Niall said firmly.

"I shouldn't have texted him, yeah he may have cheated once but were moving past that! And he's always grumpy in the morning!! And Niall it does hurt me to know you don't approve of who I date. But I guess if you can't accept it you better just learn to deal with it" I said.

"Kay, here's your carrots" Niall said dropping the bag on my lap. I happily grabbed them and ate them. Niall skipped out of the room after saying goodnight.  

{A/N sorry it's a short chapter, I'm tired, next one will be longer! I promise} Tild xx

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