Chapter 19

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Hannah's POV

"Get your butt ready!" Destanie said throwing a shoe at my face. Luckily I dodge it just in time.

"I am ready! I just gotta find shoes. You get ready. Theres still 3 hours before we have to leave" I said throwing it back at her. Destanie wasn't so lucky. She let out a strange noise as the shoe hit the back of her head. We both looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"We should die your hair back to brown so Niall recognizes you"  Amanda suggested.

"No I like being blonde" I said.

"YOU HATE BEING BLONDE" Destanie yelled.

"I Love it because I love not being recognized" I said crossing my arms. Before I knew it I was being tied to the chair!!!

"What GUYS! STOP" I yelled but it was to late. Amanda already had wrapped it around me like three times. and hten she tied my hands together.

"Where'd ya get all the rope?" Destanie asked.

" I was a cowgirl for halloween, remember. I needed a lasso" Amanda said.

I sat there as they died my hair back to its natural color. I also sat there as they finished getting ready, they wouldn't trust me cuz they thouht I would go crazy or something.

When it was time to go the untied me.

"I hate you both" I said grabbing my phone and money, and the passes. They just laughed at me as if I was kidding.

I was wearing Dark Skinny Jeans with my Hipsta Please T-Shirt, My hair was its natural brown curly self again and My contacts were in there container in the bathroom.

"Miss Styles, your ride is here" Was the first thing I heard when we walked outside. I noticed a limo driver holding the door open. Wow this is dumb.

I climbed in first. I noticed Louis was in there.

"Shouldn't you be at sound check?" I asked.

"Probably" Louis shrugged.

"So you died your hair back! Good because Harry said you were cute" Louis said and I about gagged.

"Yeah, And Niall will recognize you! He is gonna be happy to see you!" Louis cheered.

"Thats what we said!" Amanda and Destanie said in unisin.

We talked about random things until we got to the arena. Louis went backstage and we headed to the floor section. There were hardly any other girls there. It reminded me when I went with Niall to the Ed Sheeran concert.

Soon more and more girls were filing into the arena. Before I knew it the boys were running onstage.

"Hello Michigan!" Liam said in his microphone. Everybody in the audience was screaming.. Except for me. I was just watching them all.

"It's great to be back!" Harry said.

"to start the show off were gonna sing Live while were young." Niall said. They all spread out and sang the song. Harry was like right infront of me. When he noticed it was me he took off his blazer. The shirt he was wearing underneath was the same shirt I was. I laughed at him.

The concert continued and the boys would come and stand infront of me randomly and make faces at me or just stupid things. Niall did walk by but he didn't notice me.. or he just purosely ignored me.

"For the Last Song of the night we will be preforming Over Again." Louis said.

"This is for that one person who is perfect for you" Niall added, He was standing right infront of me looking out at the crowd. Yeah Amy is perfect for him.

The music began playing and Liam started singing "Said I'd never leave her cuz her hands fit like my t-shirt. Tounge tied over three words, cursed. Running over thoughts that make me feet hurt. Bodies intertwined with her lips."

Niall stepped down so he was eye level with me, His bright blue eyes were looking deeply into my Green ones.

"Now she's feeling so low since she went solo, Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo and its no joke to me so can we do it all over again?"

The song stopped and Niall just stood there. The rest of the boys were on the stage behind him.

"I'm so sorry, can we start over?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded my head and Niall leaned over the gate and gave my a hug and a kiss on the lips, infront of thousands of girls.

"Well thank you ladies and Gentlemen this is the only reason we came out her, Have a safe trip home!" Louis said.


"Well Why would we need to? She already said yes." Louis said and I couldn't help but smile at that dork.

"C'mon, I'm not leaving you out here to get hurt" Niall said helping me over the fence.

"I'll see you at meet and greet" I told Amanda and Destanie before walking off stage with 5 amazing. boys. 

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