Chapter 17

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Harrys POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring. It was 10 AM.. I usually don't sleep in this late but I did today. I got up and walked into the bathroom of my hotel room. I jumped in and took a quick shower, I'm sure we are going over to Hannah's soon because.. Well thats what we do every day.
After I got dressed my phone began ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it said Louis was calling me. Why would he be calling me he's just in the other room.

"Hey?" I said as I pressed the talk button
"Harry! Come Quick!!! Nialls gone bloody MAD!" Louis yelled.
"Where are you?!" I asked, I was already panicked because Niall is always happy and bubbly.
"Hannah's house" Louis said in a hushed whispered. I hung up the phone and ran. I didn't care what people were doing or thinking of me. The only thing on my mind was my little sister. If Niall hurt her I'm gonna kill him!
I sped the whole way to hannah's house!


Louis POV
(Earlier that day)

"Louis get up! I wanna go see Hannah!" Niall yelled shaking me again.
"Mate go yourself You can drive" I said rolling over.
"You know I don't like driving in the states! It's weird. everything is like backwards" Niall said. I felt the bed dip next to me where Niall had sat. I opened my eyes and treid to give him my best scowl but he ended up lauhing at me.
"So you will come with me?" He asked.
"Fine" I grumbled. I looked at the clock. It was 9:30, I doubt she is even up yet! I got out of bed and threw some sweatpants and a t-shirt on.
"Lets go" I mumbled.
"Louis you need to do your hair, the paparazzi is everywhere outside the hotel." Niall informed me.
I dug through my suitcase and grabbed my red beenie and threw it on my head so my hear was hidden a little better.
"That works to" Niall said smiling and walking out of the door.

It takes about a 5 minutes to get to Hannah's house from the hotel. As soon as we got there Niall knocked on the door.

No answer.

He got the extra key that was under the welcome mat. We walked up to Hannah's room, Everything just seemed super quiet. Weird.
There was a note on the outside of Hannahs bedroom door. Niall peeled the tape off and began reading it outloud

Dear Boys,

Well It has been a blast hanging out with you all! I'm so glad I got the chance. It was once in a life time experiance. I just wanted to let you all know that early this morning I packed up and moved to college. It was a random decision but I need to focus on MY career. I can't just tag along with you all forever. I didn't tell you because I know you all would have tried to convince me NOT to go. I think I also need this to get away from the hate. I'm tired of that.
 My Mom will be home in a few days and if you all wanna chill here go for it. I told her that you all might be here. She is ok with that. Don't miss me to much ;) 
       xoxoxo Hannah Styles

Niall crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it down. Then he punched the wall, leaving a giant hole where his fist went through the dry wall.
"Niall! Calm down mate" I said picking up the ball of paper.
"CALM DOWN?! She doesn't bloody understand! I wanted her to go to college! I wanted her to focus on her life!! Why didn;t she tell me!? I'm her boyfriend! ... Well WAS! I don't know where we stand anymore!" Niall said. He had complete anger in his eyes. I was scared to death. I have never seen him like this before!
Niall went into Hannah's room, I'm not sure what he was doing but I called harry right away.


Harry's POV

I opened the door and about ran into Niall. It surprised me. Niall seemed pissed and tried to push past me. I grabbed him by the coller of his polo and pushed him against the wall hard.
"What the hell did you do!?" I yelled in his face.
"I didn't do any of it. She did it!!" Niall yelled pushing me, which was no use because I wasn't going anywhere.
"Didi you hurt her?" I asked looking right into his eyes. When I asked that his eyes softened a bit, So did his facial expression.
"I would never do that" Niall said in almost a whisper.
"Than what is going on!" I asked letting go of him.

Soon Louis came down from upstairs.

"This" He said waving a peice of paper.
"Its over a silly little note?" I said rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, why don't you read it" Louis said shoving it into my hands.

Which I did. I read it like 5 times. I couldn't believe she just up and left.

"Did any of you try and call her?" I asked. They both nodded their heads.
"Well lets get out of here. And go tell the others" I said.
"Wait didn't she say she wanted to go to University of Michigan?" Niall asked.
"Yeah! We could go up there!" I said excitedly.
"Boys, I'm not a genius but I do know that she obviosly needs some space" Louis said.
"yeah your right" I agreed.

We went back to the Hotel and told Liam and Zayn 

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